The Journey 11: Transformation in My Community
Read: Mark 5: 1-20
Every parish has its neighborhood ministries. We are involved in different ways by organizing a run for awareness for helping the cancer patient, building up homes for those who do not have homes, supplying gifts and other items during seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas. These are all wonderful events by which the youths and the parish members get involved in the ministry of the neighborhood,. I think it these kind of ministry that helps the community to be aware that there is a church out there somewhere and there are people who are wanting to show what Christian faith and life is all about. But we need to ask a question aren't these ministries that we do, a once in a year event, which sometimes only gives a temporary relief to the suffering people. Can we offer them something that is long lasting?. I believe when we as Christian wants to transform our community what we offer them should be not be of a temporary value but lasting. Let us look into the Bible to see what Jesus teaches us.
In the biblical portion that we read today we find Jesus travelling down a different lane. He goes down to the other side of the sea where he encounters a man who has an unclean spirit in him [ v: 2] . Here is a man who has lost all his senses and is more inhuman. That is why he has not problem in hurting himself and also living a life in isolation. One of the most remarkable features of this encounter is when Jesus comes to him and the response that Jesus make to this man. As Jesus meets him, the first thing that Jesus asks this man is his name. That is when the man who is greatly disturbed because it is after a long time someone comes to meet him, tells Jesus that his name is Legion. What Jesus was trying to do was not only bringing about healing and transformation in the life of this person but also making a conscious effort to begin a new relationship with him. I believe when Jesus initiated this relationship with him, the process of healing and transformation started.
What we need today as we work today in our neighborhood and in our community is the forming of relationship. It is only when we form relationships with those in our community, then only all our neighborhood ministry becomes something more than temporary to something that is lasting and that is what the people want and something that we as Christians should be giving them.
Examine whether our ministry to the community a temporary event or a building of a lasting relationship?
Let us Pray :
O God we thank you for the opportunity that you give to us to serve our community. Help us to serve so that we create a new relationship with the community rather than serving for some temporary reasons and time. Amen
One Year Bible Reading Plan
Genesis 17-19;, Mathew 13-15;, Psalms 16-19, Proverbs 12-13