Read: Joshua 24
A young son wanted to spend time with his father, so one day as the father was about to go to work, he came to the side of his father and asked him “ daddy can you come home little early so that we both could spend time with each other”. The dad replied to his son “ that may not be possible as I have lot of work and because of the work that I do I am able to take care of all your needs”. But dad please…...the son replied. No if I waste an hour I will loose 100 dollars and that is precious to me. The son was sad and depressed. Next day the son came to an agreement with the father that he would pay him whenever he would do the household chores. The father was happy that the son was going to help in the house and agreed to what the son said. Soon the son started doing the chores in the house and his dad would give some money. As days continued dad also became little doubtful as to what would the son do with all the money that he is giving to him. After a few day the son came to his dad and offered him 100 dollars. The dad was surprised and asked him “ why are you giving me this money”?. The son replied “ dad here is 100 dollars, can you give me one hour of yours so that I can spend that time with you”?
We all live in a  busy world an each of us is focused on our careers, goals and our dreams of making it big in our professional life. But somehow in this mad rush the one thing that we take it for granted is our family life. In the book of genesis we find that family life is God’s gift to human kind. He gave us relationship and also the institution of the family so that each human being find meaning through this institution of the family. Family life is not something that is a finished product given by God to human being on the contrary something that we need to build carefully with trust, love and warmth. Even I as a clergy have to confess that there are times even when I have taken my relationship with my wife and my kids for granted and there have been complaints from my kids that  “Hey dad you don't have time for us”. It is in such a context that we all need to take a conscious effort to bring back into our family life, God’s plan and purpose and take steps so that our homes and our family life is an avenue for growth,  an avenue where each of us share wonderful memories of being together and creating a legacy of joy, hope and faith to the next generation. We will meditate on the character of Joshua as a model to build our family life
Hey did you hear what your child said to you……..

Let us pray: Dear Lord thank you for the gift of our family, the gift of being parent, the gift of being children to our parents. Help us to always value and cherish our family life .Amen

One Year Bible Reading Plan
Genesis 12-14, Mathew 7-8: Psalms 7-8, Proverbs 3

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