The Journey 137
Read: Luke 15:11-31
Lot of turbulent issues have surfaced in this country which is leaving lot of people confused, perplexed not knowing whether what is happening is right for the nation and for its people. Lot of my friends had written to me asking why am I silent on different issues that are discussed now not only by the common man, but people from all strata of the society and states. That is when I realized that this nation is going through some serious discussion on the way it is heading to. At the foremost is something that is related to what constitutes “marriage and family”. This came about when the President of United States last week had expressed his support to same sex marriage. This has caused lot turbulent reaction from cross sections of the people. Some Church’s and its leaders have vehemently opposed the stand of the President. The second area that people are concerned is in the in the area of finance and economics, what is being termed as the spiraling government debt and also the rate of unemployment . Thirdly is the issue related to the question of religion, ethics and morality. A law is being enforced that make it mandatory for religious organizations to provide health insurance that covers issues sterilization, contraception and drugs that induce abortion. A federal judge has asked in the Giles county last week, as whether the ten commandments can be cut into six to restore the secular nature of the country, as the first four commandments are religious in nature. Sounds strange? How do we find an answer to such pressing issues or how do respond when issues like tend to become a law in the land? This week I could read a review of a new book written by James Robison and Jay W. Richards titled “Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It’s Too Late”. That is when I realized if we need to be responsible citizens of this country there are certain issues for which every citizen has to be committed and those issues are “ Faith, Family and Freedom”. Even Rick Santorum harped on this three concepts. Transformation in a community is all about how people equate, understand and put into practice concepts like faith, family and freedom.
This week we are meditating on the theme “ Transformation in my community”. We start today on a new biblical portion from Luke 15: 11-31. This one of the most wonderful parable that Jesus told about a prodigal son. Here is a story of a son whose concept of faith, freedom and family was what destroyed his life. But once he got back to his senses he comes to the true realization what it means to express faith, freedom and the true gift of family. As he lived with his father, the son felt that he did not have the desired freedom. He felt that he should use his gifts, abilities and talents and trust in his innate capacities and faith to lead him to greener pastures in life. He also felt it was his family ties that stands as barrier for him to explore the unlimited avenues of the world where he could make a mark for himself. But finally the truth dawns on him that unless one does not have the correct perspective of what is faith, freedom and family, no individual can go long enough not only to make a mark for oneself, but also to survive.
I think this is what is needed today in all of our life. Whether the stand taken by the President is ethically and morally right or wrong is not the issue, as there are many facets to that stand which needs to be discussed, but I believe what is more important for this nation is how we understand the concepts of “Faith, Freedom and Family” and put into practice these concepts. That is what will determine how the nation is going to march forward.
How do you define “ Faith, Family and Freedom”?