The Journey 165: Life Not Self Examined Not Worth Living
Read: John 8:1-11
One of the most wonderful book that had a powerful impact on people was the book "The Purpose Driven Life" written by Pastor Rick Warren. According to a documented estimate that was done five years ago 30 million copies were sold. This book was also named as one of the top 100 Christian books that changed the 20th century. Now Pastor Rick Warren is publishing the 10th anniversary edition of this book and for that he has teamed up with his book publisher and a crowd-sourced graphic design company to create a new cover for his bestseller book. It seems that the anniversary edition will have a rearranged title in hopes of attracting readers from the millennial generation, according to Zondervan, the book publishing company. This is the book that became famous for its quote and question " What one earth am I here for ?". I think if every individual tries to find an answer to this probing question, on ones vision and mission in life, each of our life will be made wonderful not only to the creator God but also a blessing to our fellow brothers and sisters. We wish Rick Warren all the best as he continues to inspire others to make life worth living, by living for Christ. But the question that make one make life living for Christ is one when we also try to answer the question whether we know why we exist for?. This brings to a powerful aspect in our life, whether we live life that is self examined. This week we are meditating on the theme “Transformation in our personal life” based on John 8:1-11. A wonderful incident that brings out the wisdom of Jesus Christ in helping others to stop judging but think about one’s self. The whole portion is replicate with the compassionate attitude of Jesus Christ to the woman and also critiquing the self righteous attitude of the Pharisees. When Jesus said to the crowd that the person who has the right to throw stone at the woman should be a person who has not sinned. Here is a powerful probing question that Jesus raised that brought in each of the Pharisees a sense of guilt and shame, and soon they all left the scene because they knew that Jesus had nailed their self righteous living. He also tells the woman “ did no one punish you or condemn, even I do not condemn you, Go and sin no more”. What Jesus did was helping people to self examine ones life before making a judgment on others. One of the things that we all do is we tend to make judgments fast on other people’s fault but never move our little finger to correct our life so that our life is pleasing to God and to others. The moment we fail to live our life, without self examination, we may tend to move away from the grace of God and also move to the level of self righteous living. Transformed living is all about examining our life in the light of the calling that God has given to each one of us and to make our life a blessed experience. Rick Warren through his book wanted each individual to think as to why we are on the earth, but as a Christian our Lord want us to examine our life so that our life and living is wonderful and worth living. Are you living a self examined life or a life lived just according to our own selfish passions and ambitions?.