The Journey 242: Interpreting Natural Disasters

Read: Daniel 3

Finally Hurricane Isaac hit some of the states in US. It sidestepped New Orleans but the effect of Hurricane was more of flooding in the rural areas. The rain that came along with the hustling winds of hurricane, fell constantly the whole day yesterday and thus flooding the rural part of the state of New Orleans. The government official are on a mission to evacuate more than 3000 people who are caught in the flash flood waters. The power lines have snapped in some places and the whole state is still placed on a high alert. President Obama has declared federal emergencies in Louisiana and Mississippi late Wednesday. But as Hurricane Isaac was causing havoc in the state, certain Christian leaders have started writing about how Hurricane Isaac is the punishment that God is sending to this country because of the loss of moral and ethical values in the country, especially to the state of New Orleans. A festival called as “Southern Decadence” takes place normally this week end, every year in New Orleans. This festival is a gay festival, conducted for three or four days, having parades, and other activities that are quite deplorable and which often emphasizes loose moral living. Many have prophesied that Hurricane Katrina that came seven years ago just before the start of this celebration was God’s act of judgment, while Hurricane Isaac has also lashed now at New Orleans again at the same time when the “Southern Decadence” festival was scheduled to be held this weekend. Yes, God always hates sin and would want his people to live life that are pleasing to Him and that brings sanctity to human life, but the attitude of Christian leaders to interpret and prophesy that these natural disasters occur only because of the loose living of certain groups of people is questionable. I remember when the state of Orissa in India was struck by a natural disaster a few years back, some Christian leaders in India stated that Orissa was being punished by God, because it was persecuting Christians. But one of the leaders from a different community stated that Yes, God is punishing the state of Orissa but for a different reason, and that is they could not totally wipe out the Christians from the state. This can be termed as interpreting historical events to suit our own needs and validate our own arguments. But history speaks and reveals God’ s purpose. In the book of Daniel chapter 3, we find a wonderful encounter between King Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel. What the king does is that he erects an image of gold and orders that people of every nation and language needs to fall down and worship the image. Anyone who does not obey this commandment was threatened with the punishment of being thrown into a blazing furnace. But this threat does not have any effect on Daniel and his friends and they refuse to obey the kings commands and they are thrown into the blazing furnace. But the experience at the blazing furnace become the opportunity for Daniel and his friends to witness to the King about the living God and King uses the experience of furnace to repent and turn back to God. I believe Daniel teaches us that in every circumstance of hostility and behaviors that are detestable to the Lord, we need to be a faithful witness to the love and power of God and use these opportunities for God to act so as to bring repentance in all of us not just the others. Every event in history has to be interpreted in such a way that we continuously understand the purpose of God and consciously turn back to God with repentance, rather than thinking and acting as if those others in the society are the one that needs repentance. Does historical events bring repentance in you or others?

Rev. Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla

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