Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Matthew 17:1-8
C. S. Lewis said " The glory of God is the real business of life." In the visible glorification of Jesus in the Transfiguration mount, we see the Shekinah in the face of Jesus. The incarnate God made himself visible.
It is the full glory of deity dwelling in Christ made manifest. The Apostle John remembered it and wrote, " We beheld His glory, glory as the only begotten Son from the Father". (John: 1:14b)
The Blaze of Divine Glory: The cloud is the cloud of glory. The testimony of the scripture and the witnesses make it clear that the glory seen on the mount came from within Him. It was not as if a spot light shone upon Him. Jesus radiated the glory of God. He became a blaze of divine glory. The disciples saw Him undergo a unique transformation before their very eyes. The human appearance of Jesus was for a moment changed into that of a heavenly being. Christ changed from humiliation to the glory of His Deity. Jesus took on the form of His heavenly glory and transformed. The transfiguration reveals Jesus as He is in His present glory. We will be like Him. We shall be glorified, radiated, transfigured. Jesus Christ will be glorified in us. Moses and Elijah became visible to the disciples. They appeared in a supernatural manner as representatives of the law and prophets. Jesus is encouraged and comforted by the presence of Moses and Elijah.
Moses and Elijah were speaking with Jesus about His death, the very same subject that so upset Peter. The theme that occupied the wonder and interest of heaven was the forthcoming crucifixion of Jesus. That is the central event of time and eternity.
Blessedness of Listening: Following the pronouncement at the transfiguration that Jesus was His beloved Son, God said " Listen to Him ". Listening to Jesus is important as it is through whom God speaks to the world today (Heb. 1:1-3) In fact our salvation and where we will spend eternity depends on us giving appropriate attention and response to the word of Jesus. Eternal salvation is to be found in no one else. There are no substitutes. " Listen to Him" is an excellent advice that was given on the mount of Transfiguration. The transfiguration anticipates the Kingdom of God to come upon the earth. It is also a picture of the personal resurrection of the Christian believer. When Jesus comes, "He will change our weak mortal bodies and makes them like His own glorious body using that power by which he is able to bring all things under his rule." (Philip. 3:21) The transfiguration confirms the OT prophecy concerning the Messianic kingdom. It affirms the authority of Jesus' teachings and redeeming grace. When the vision passed, "they saw no men save Jesus only”. Everything was refocused upon the Son of man. Let us listen to Jesus and refocus on Him.
Prayer: Dear father, we thank you for your transfigured Son. Help us to behold His glory in our day today life, and to listen to Him. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Dr. Thomas David, Yonkers, New York.