The Journey 321
Read: 2Timothy 2: 1-7
In a society where fitness is desired for everything, from playing sports to doing strenuous job at work, or having long drives, it has become normal in United States for people to depend on drinking coffee or having a sip of energy drinks. Hence you have people lining up to drink coffee at Starbucks, or Wawa or line up at the Dunkin Donuts outlet. When some tries to get the much needed energy or relaxation through these caffeine products, there are others especially youngsters who depend on so called energy drinks like 5-Hour Energy, Red Bull, Monster and so on. Of late these energy drinks are in the news but for the wrong reasons. It has been reported a few day back by major news agencies that the federal government and the attorney general’s office in New York is investigating a claim received by the Food and Drug Administration supposedly with respect to 13 deaths and 33 hospitalizations of people who have consumed the 5-Hour Energy drink. These 13 deaths and 33 hospitalizations is supposed to be during the span of last four years. Earlier in October this year, even the energy drink Monster was in the news because of its alleged link to about five deaths that occurred recently. 5 hour energy drink is a popular energy shot that come in two oz package and has a powerful caffeine punch that is equal to two cups of coffee. According to Manoj Bhargava the CEO of 5 Hour energy drink, he states that when people use these drinks as directed, then the amount of caffeine in the drink does not cause harm. But the problem happens when rules are flouted and people take too much of the drink which is not good. As these drinks are normally taken by teens and youths who want an extra shot of energy as they play the final minute in a basketball match, or want to have winning run in a baseball game, sometimes these addictions and overdose of these drinks could be fatal. According to critics of these energy drinks what is more worrying is the cases of children who may have certain underlying heart problems, and if they consume these energy drinks then the effect could be disastrous. But whatever be the outcome of the case no one can deny the fact that people today seek fast and quick measure for their problems without taking into consideration as to how these quick fix or remedies would affect their health. At a time when we people imitate others and products that seems to be fascinating, we are on the brink of an impending health disaster, in the same way as hurricane sandy became a natural disaster. This calls for a reorientation of our lifestyle and also the way we perceive health, fitness and our understanding of a healthy body. The word of God is very vocal in this aspect with regards to health and also how to live holistically for the Lord.
We are meditating on the theme “ Transformed Living” and the portion for our meditation is from 2 Timothy 2:1-7. This is the portion where Apostle Paul is encouraging Timothy. For Timothy who was a young believe, working in the leadership of the church, Paul was mentor figure for him. It seems Timothy lacked self confidence and because of his young age it seems that he needed some boost in his enthusiasm and energy to work for the Lord, similar as to how youngsters need a boost of energy before they play a basketball match. Paul is now in the prime of his age while Timothy was young. It is time for Paul to pass the baton of leadership of the church to young leaders like Timothy. But as young leaders like Timothy takes charge, Paul advise him that he has to show the qualities of a soldier, an athlete and as a farmer. It is only when Timothy is able to show the qualities of these three individuals will the he be strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [ 2 Tim 1: 1]. What Paul is expecting from Timothy is that he should live and lead a life that is pleasing to the Lord, sharing in the suffering and taking a conscious decision that he will not entangle in the affairs of the world. Here is Paul advising Timothy, that as a soldier he has to be above the patterns of the world and lead a life that is not tainted by standards and passion of the world. [ Romans 12:1,2]. Paul also bring to the attention of Timothy, the example of both athlete and farmer. What is endearing in the life of both athletes and farmer is the discipline and the training that they show in their respective field. If one has to win, the athlete has to go through rigorous training while if a farmer has to get the share of his crops he also need to go through the process of harvest and cultivation which is not quick work process but something that involves patience, labour and endurance. Thus to be a Christian leader and to live faithfully and holistically, Paul exhorts Timothy to live a life of discipline, hard work and going through rigorous training so as to live a live pleasing to the Lord. I think the words of Paul to Timothy should also ring in the ears of each and every individual both young and old who seems to have a quick fix for all challenges of life. People who want to get the gold in a competition or win the first prize in an event or a game without the will to sacrifice and put serious training or effort both in oneself or in the game. It is when we compromise on our disciplines in life and want to win and lead life the easy way, it is then that we tend to depend on items like the energy drinks and many other things that only ruin our health and our life. Research has showed that these quick fix ultimately are dangerous. Let us therefore consciously take a decision to live our Christian life with discipline, endurance, perseverance and training so that our lives are lived holistically and we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord.
Rev. Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla
In a society where fitness is desired for everything, from playing sports to doing strenuous job at work, or having long drives, it has become normal in United States for people to depend on drinking coffee or having a sip of energy drinks. Hence you have people lining up to drink coffee at Starbucks, or Wawa or line up at the Dunkin Donuts outlet. When some tries to get the much needed energy or relaxation through these caffeine products, there are others especially youngsters who depend on so called energy drinks like 5-Hour Energy, Red Bull, Monster and so on. Of late these energy drinks are in the news but for the wrong reasons. It has been reported a few day back by major news agencies that the federal government and the attorney general’s office in New York is investigating a claim received by the Food and Drug Administration supposedly with respect to 13 deaths and 33 hospitalizations of people who have consumed the 5-Hour Energy drink. These 13 deaths and 33 hospitalizations is supposed to be during the span of last four years. Earlier in October this year, even the energy drink Monster was in the news because of its alleged link to about five deaths that occurred recently. 5 hour energy drink is a popular energy shot that come in two oz package and has a powerful caffeine punch that is equal to two cups of coffee. According to Manoj Bhargava the CEO of 5 Hour energy drink, he states that when people use these drinks as directed, then the amount of caffeine in the drink does not cause harm. But the problem happens when rules are flouted and people take too much of the drink which is not good. As these drinks are normally taken by teens and youths who want an extra shot of energy as they play the final minute in a basketball match, or want to have winning run in a baseball game, sometimes these addictions and overdose of these drinks could be fatal. According to critics of these energy drinks what is more worrying is the cases of children who may have certain underlying heart problems, and if they consume these energy drinks then the effect could be disastrous. But whatever be the outcome of the case no one can deny the fact that people today seek fast and quick measure for their problems without taking into consideration as to how these quick fix or remedies would affect their health. At a time when we people imitate others and products that seems to be fascinating, we are on the brink of an impending health disaster, in the same way as hurricane sandy became a natural disaster. This calls for a reorientation of our lifestyle and also the way we perceive health, fitness and our understanding of a healthy body. The word of God is very vocal in this aspect with regards to health and also how to live holistically for the Lord.
We are meditating on the theme “ Transformed Living” and the portion for our meditation is from 2 Timothy 2:1-7. This is the portion where Apostle Paul is encouraging Timothy. For Timothy who was a young believe, working in the leadership of the church, Paul was mentor figure for him. It seems Timothy lacked self confidence and because of his young age it seems that he needed some boost in his enthusiasm and energy to work for the Lord, similar as to how youngsters need a boost of energy before they play a basketball match. Paul is now in the prime of his age while Timothy was young. It is time for Paul to pass the baton of leadership of the church to young leaders like Timothy. But as young leaders like Timothy takes charge, Paul advise him that he has to show the qualities of a soldier, an athlete and as a farmer. It is only when Timothy is able to show the qualities of these three individuals will the he be strong in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [ 2 Tim 1: 1]. What Paul is expecting from Timothy is that he should live and lead a life that is pleasing to the Lord, sharing in the suffering and taking a conscious decision that he will not entangle in the affairs of the world. Here is Paul advising Timothy, that as a soldier he has to be above the patterns of the world and lead a life that is not tainted by standards and passion of the world. [ Romans 12:1,2]. Paul also bring to the attention of Timothy, the example of both athlete and farmer. What is endearing in the life of both athletes and farmer is the discipline and the training that they show in their respective field. If one has to win, the athlete has to go through rigorous training while if a farmer has to get the share of his crops he also need to go through the process of harvest and cultivation which is not quick work process but something that involves patience, labour and endurance. Thus to be a Christian leader and to live faithfully and holistically, Paul exhorts Timothy to live a life of discipline, hard work and going through rigorous training so as to live a live pleasing to the Lord. I think the words of Paul to Timothy should also ring in the ears of each and every individual both young and old who seems to have a quick fix for all challenges of life. People who want to get the gold in a competition or win the first prize in an event or a game without the will to sacrifice and put serious training or effort both in oneself or in the game. It is when we compromise on our disciplines in life and want to win and lead life the easy way, it is then that we tend to depend on items like the energy drinks and many other things that only ruin our health and our life. Research has showed that these quick fix ultimately are dangerous. Let us therefore consciously take a decision to live our Christian life with discipline, endurance, perseverance and training so that our lives are lived holistically and we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord.
Rev. Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla