The Musings 20 by Rev.Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla
Read: Joshua 24
Christians especially those belonging to church's founded by Apostle Thomas,
will always remember the Coonan Cross Oath. This oath was taken on
January 16th, 1653, at Mattanchery and this is considered as a historic
declaration of faith by the early church believers in Kerala. The way the
oath was taken was very unique. The believers came together and they held
together a rope tied to a Cross, and declared in unison that they will not be
bound nor will submit to the ecclesiastical authority of Rome. This was because
a number of faith practices of the Catholic Church was being subtly
incorporated into the faith living of early church believers in Kerala. This
marked the beginning of the Independent Malankara Church. When the church faced
a crisis at that particular time of history, in terms of faith and faith
living, the believers came together to affirm and uphold their faith
convictions. This week another significant declaration of faith has taken place
and this is termed as the "Manhattan Declaration". Manhattan
declaration is declaration signed by more than half million people from this
country, belonging to Orthodox, Catholic and other Evangelical Christians.
These half million Christians have filed a "friend of court" [
amicus] brief before the Supreme Court of United States, communicating to
the court that sanctity of life, dignity of marriage and freedom of religion
needs to be upheld. The context of this declaration is that this year
Supreme Court of United States is going to examine two high profile cases that
will determine the future on the concept of marriage and family in this
country. The high profile cases include the Hollingsworth v Perry, which
will examine whether gay or lesbians have a fundamental right to marriage, while
the second high profile case is that of Windsor v United States, and this is
the case that will review the federal law which defines marriage as a union of
one man and one woman. In the background of all these high profile cases
being heard by the Supreme Court, the Christians, who signed the
Manhattan Declaration want the Supreme Court to uphold importance of
traditional concept of family. Family that is defined as consisting of one
father and one mother, a male-female family institution and it is this concept of
family and environment that is needed to be affirmed in raising and nurturing
of children. The declaration identifies the societal circumstances that
have led to the acceptance of same sex marriage, and which has brought about
decline in societal function and also a harsh increase in religious oppression.
The declaration also wanted to refute the argument of the advocates of same sex
marriage that people who defend traditional understanding of marriage and
family are motivated by bigotry and irrational claims. It was on last Monday,
January 28, 2013, that John Mauck a Chicago attorney, who filed the brief
in the Supreme Court. Manhattan declaration thus becomes another
significant declaration or affirmation of faith at time when people tend to get
very complacent about issues that is affecting the very core of the existence
of human life and society.
In Joshua 24, we find another declaration of faith. The background of this
declaration of faith is a time when the chosen nation and the people have
reached the promised land. The people who have reached the promised land is now
enjoying the fruits of the labour of faith of their parents and their
grandparents. Now with prosperity reigning in the land, Joshua gives a warning
to the people of Israel. What he does is that, he assembles all the tribe of
Israel, which included the elders, the leaders, the judges and all the
officials. It is in such an august audience that he tells them that they need
to uphold some basic tenets of faith. What is it that Joshua tell them to
uphold?. He tells them not to forget their past, their roots and how
miraculously and faithfully God led them to the promised land. Now with their
life becoming comfortable, without any crisis involved, Joshua exhorts that
they should take a decision that whatever be the changes that occur in the
social and religious life, they will always serve the Lord. What Joshua
actually warns the people is that they may feel sometimes to bring on certain
religious practices that may not be in conformity with the laws of God. Hence
they need to be very careful as to how they order their religious and social
life. The need and motto of the nation of Israel is to serve the Lord and
follow him at all times and at all circumstances. [ Joshua 24: 14,15]. This was
basically because in the life of Israel, the religious behavior and
practices affected the social life of people also . Hence it is important that
religious life, the spiritual values and living should be ordered
according to the will of God so that the social life of Israelites is
also lived according to the purpose and will of God. Only when this happens
will the society be strengthened. It is for this reason that Joshua assembles
elders, leader, the judges and officials. These are people who are responsible
in formulating laws and leaders who give wisdom and counsel to people and
hence it was imperative that the law makers in the land, the people who are
given authority should first be aware of the true foundation of a strong
society. A society that is strong only when bound by strong moral laws and
value , authority of God and affirming kingdom values. This was
what Joshua wanted to communicate to every tribe of Israel. I think history is
being repeated in this nation. As law makers and other leaders and people in
authority are going to review about various laws and cases related to the
concept of marriage and family, the Manhattan declaration is another effort to
constantly remind the people that even when time, season and times of history
changes, certain concepts like the understanding of family and marriage
are very important especially in areas like nurturing of children and future
generation. Marriage and family as envisaged by creator God, is what is needed
to be affirmed, upheld and preserved at a time when new and new definition and
understanding of these institutions are being raised up.