The Musings 21 by Rev. Dr. Joe Joseph Kuruvilla
Read: Genesis 16
Having a dinner out or going out to eat in a restaurant is a
very common thing that we all do. One of the etiquettes that is followed while
in a restaurant is offering tips to steward or waiters who served you.
Applebee's; one of the famous restaurants of USA, is now in the news with
respect to a unique way that a customer responded to the percentage of tip that
was enforced in the restaurant, the response and reaction that followed
thereafter has brought in a national attention to this incident. In Applebee's,
an additional 18% is added as tip amount along with the bill, that is given to
the customers. This happened in the Applebee's restaurant at the St. Louis
area. The people now in the eye of a comical storm are not only the restaurant
but also the waitress and to top of it the customer involved in this issue is a
female pastor. It seems that the pastor along with eight other people had come
to Applebee's to dine. At the end of the dining, the pastor was given a bill in
which along with the charges for menu that was ordered, another 18% was added
into the bill as tip. That is when the female pastor instead of paying 18% tip,
decided to scribble on the bill, that the waitress had given her, with
the following statement; "I give God 10%, why do you get 18%"?.
When the waitress found the scribbled note on the bill, she found it both
insulting and comical. She decided to upload this comical bill to Reddit
and soon the bill became viral and all over the net. The female pastor came to
know about the posting of her scribbling on the bill, and she complained to the
manager of the restaurant who on receiving this complaint fired the concerned
waitress. The waitress was sacked because in the perception of the restaurant
she had violated the pastor or the customer's right to privacy. The waitress
feels that she has been humiliated and that there is no valid reason for firing
her. She told the news agencies that she did not intend to hurt anyone by
posting the picture of the bill. But now she feels that things have gone too
far. She feels hurt that she has been fired for embarrassing a person who
insults a server and that too using the name of God. With controversy
surrounding this whole episode, reputation of the female pastor also went down
hill and now she feels remorse and admits that she made a lapse in her
judgment. At the end of the day, I don't think both the waitress and female
pastor would have ever thought that their small intentional or unintentional
action would have created such a furor and that too all over the world. Looking
at the whole episode we may think at different perspectives. Is the restaurant
fair in charging 18% tip along with bill?. When the pastor saw that 18% was
charged to the bill, could she have some other alternative if she was unaware
of this trade practice?. With the waitress being fired, she is also at a great
loss of her job, a loss that resulted out of a very casual action that she did
without thinking of the consequences. Though this incident seems to be very
comical, it brings to light that that we need to be serious not only with
regards to matters pertaining to one's personal life but also the way we deal
with others, especially with respects to the words that we use, the responses
that we do and so on. What happens is that nowadays we take things very
casual, not concerned nor ready to think whether the actions that we do, does
it bring about blessing to others or does it cause pain and suffering on
others. To take our life and our actions seriously is what is needed. Not
only being serious in what we do, but also being genuine in our actions.
In Genesis 16, we find an incident that relates to the background of how
Ishmael was born to Abraham. The birth of Ishmael was a scheme planned by Sarai
the wife of Abraham. When Sarai realizes that she is not able to bear a son to
Abraham, she thinks of a very wonderful but dubious plan. She tells Abraham
that since she could not bear any son for him, He should consider their
Egyptian maid servant Hagar as his wife so that through her they could have
offspring. Abraham listens to his wife and later Hagar become pregnant. That is
when Sarai realizes her folly and out of sheer jealousy, she begins
ill-treating the pregnant Hagar. When not satisfied with the ill-treatment that
she metes out to Hagar, Sarai poisons the mind of Abraham and makes him feel
guilty by telling him that " You are responsible for the wrong that
I am suffering. I put my servant in your arms and now that she knows she is
pregnant, she despises me. May the Lord judge between you and me" [ Gen
16: 5]. When the ill-treatment continued we find Hagar running away from
Abraham and Sarai. The poignant account of the suffering of Hagar running with
her unborn child and how the angel of the Lord helps her is mentioned later in
the chapter. But then finally under the command of the angel, Hagar returns
back to Sarai after she hears the promise given to her by the angel that she
will have a number of descendents. The whole episode of Abraham, Sarai and
Hagar and the trouble that Hagar went through points to how passively or
lightly Sarai took her relationship with Abraham and the counsel that she gave
to him. Though she had good intentions in the beginning when she proposed to
Abraham to take Hagar as his wife, she may not have thought about the
consequences that this casual action could have resulted into. This casual or
passive action of Sarai actually brought two dominant factions later on this
earth and the repercussion of that is still seen in history. The action taken
by Sarai and Abraham teaches us that, life is not something that we need to
take it casually, decisions in life are to be taken seriously, every action
that we do in public and private should be expressions of our faith and witness
of our Christian living rather than being very passive of what we do, what we
say and how we act or react. Both the waitress and the female pastor in the
Applebee's incident would never imagined that their casual action would cost
so much in their life. Let us learn a lesson in life that for every
action that we do in our life, though the repercussion are sometimes
borne by someone else, there will be times when those very actions may come
back to us with a revenge.