Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
"Zion will be redeemed with justice, her penitent ones with righteousness. But rebels and sinners will both be broken, and those who forsake the Lord will perish" Isaiah:1:27,28
The Book of Isaiah begins with the Isaiah's vision, concerning Judah and Jerusalem. The message of this book is about God's judgment upon Judah and hope for the exiled people. The Jews gave more importance to outward observance of their religious services and rituals. Isaiah denounced their hypocrisy and reminded them of God's forgiveness and punishment. Isaiah brings us into a courtroom scene with Israel on trial where God is the judge and the plaintiff lawyer, the heavens, and the earth are the witnesses. The Lord brings the charge (1:2-9), answers Israel's defense (1:10-13), offers mercy and grace to Israel (1:16-20), rejects the offer(1:21-23) and finally concludes with a sentence of judgment(1:24-31).Isaiah concentrates here on four particular concerns.
1. Rebellion [1:21-23]
Isaiah tried to remind Israel that their sufferings were the consequences of their rebellion against God. Spiritual idolatry was one of the most serious sin that Isaiah addressed as they had become like a prostitute following other gods instead of being a faithful devoted wife. Instead of just and righteous living, she took advantage of the needy. Jerusalem had become the center of oppression and greed. The pure had become impure, the precious had become worthless. Rulers who were to promote order and peace were leading the people into ruin and were themselves rebels.
2. Retribution [1:20, 28-31]
The Lord tells Israel that if they continue to resist and rebel not return to God, there will be more punishment, ruin and destruction. Rebels and sinners will be broken, ashamed and disgraced forever and those who forsake God will perish. Isaiah prophesied that the wicked of the earth will one day be exposed and will not be partakers of Gods promise. They will be destroyed both by destruction of the Babylonian army, as well as eternal judgment, with no one to quench the fire.
3. Repentance [1:27]
Isaiah announces that God wanted them to repent. They were to wash and make themselves clean before God by confessing their sin and ask for forgiveness and stop doing wrong, and learn to do right in God’s sight and seek justice. They had to be willing, obedient and penitent and replace their evil deeds with right actions and help the needy.
4. Restoration {1:24-31}
God’s lawsuit ended with His pronouncement of judgment on the guilty nation. Here God is pictured not only as one of the parties in the litigation, but also as the Judge who will decide what will happen to the guilty party. Those who are stubborn and refusing to repent would be judged, but the repentant would be restored and redeemed.
Social injustice is ultimately the result of a broken relationship with God. We have to make the right choices, worship God in spirit and truth and be right with other people . Confession of sin came before cleansing and forgiveness in Isaiah’s days and it is still true for us today. If we admit the depth of our sins, which are like red stains on our souls, God in His grace would cleanse us and make us white as snow. God's final purpose is not destruction but blessing through purification.
During this Lent season let Isaiah's hard-hitting message be a shock treatment that can open our eyes to judgment and salvation awaiting us.
Prayer: Lord help us to be aware of the purpose of the judgment awaiting those who reject you and the hopeful future for those who repent their sins .In Jesus name we pray...Amen.