Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Resurrection - the proclamation of hope
"Break forth together into singing, you waste places of Jerusalem, for the Lord has comforted his people; he has redeemed Jerusalem." (9)
 Easter is the most important day for all Christians. It is so, because this is the day when Christ, our Lord, rose from the dead to remind us that we are believers of the Living God. On this day, He promised that He would come once again to give us eternal life in His Kingdom. For this reason, we remember and celebrate this day. The first Easter was also the day when Jesus Christ charged not only his disciples, but all his followers to live as he taught us, and in his wait, remember his life and sacrifices for us. The Church was formed on this day, and in a sense, we are celebrating the 2013th birthday of the Church.

He did not promise an easy time for us, and reminded us many times that the path of the righteous and a faithful Christian would be difficult, and filled with all sorts of obstacles. But this way is the way of truly victorious, since our Lord the God, our Saviour will come to lead us into his kingdom. Easter is a time for celebration, not only because Christ vindicated our belief in God by his resurrection, but also because on this day, he showed us that we have been eternally forgiven because he bore the brunt of our sins. He was the sinless one, who of His own volition, sacrificed himself on the cross, so that we may be spared the same fate.

Is this not a joyous thing? That, because of our faith,  we have been forgiven. That, we didn't do anything to deserve this prize, but He loves us so much that He protected us and took the pain on himself. And, that by doing all this, He has proved without doubt that He is our Lord God, our Saviour.
Prayer: Oh Lord, let us not forget Your great sacrifice for us. For that we are eternally thankful to You. You have prevailed over our sin, so that we are free to enjoy our lives without worry. Amen

Thought for the day:
Easter is day to remember our Lord God's sacrifice and celebrate that we are from the bondage of sin.

Vivek Sonny Abraham, London


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