Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Perfect faith
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (1)
Just as vision is one of the five physical senses that gives us evidence of the world we live in, faith is the sense that gives us confidence in the unseen spiritual realm. Hebrews 11 is known as the Hall of Faith and lists the giants of faith, spanning from creation to the time of the early Christians. It becomes clear that faith is not merely a belief but is the willingness to trust and cling to the Author of our faith. Faith is a gift from the Creator but it is paradoxical in that it requires an action on the part of the recipient to be manifest. Faith moved Abel to worship God; he worshiped Him by offering Him his best. Faith led Enoch to walk with God; a walk that pleased God so much that He took him away. “.. He rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Verse 6)Faith urged Noah to work for God; he took action by faith and built an ark at the risk of ridicule by those around him.
Faith guided Abraham to journey with God; he stepped out in faith and traveled to a new land that God had promised him. Yet Abraham, as well as his heirs, Isaac and Jacob, continued to live in tents as they would in a foreign land, while they “looked forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.”(Verse 10)
The chapter goes on to describe the many heroes of faith who endured hardships and even lost their lives. The faithful are therefore not to look for a reward here on Earth as Christian faith will experience both hardship and victories but will not be defeated even by death. Difficulties are not an indication of lack of faith “but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character and character, hope.”(Romans 5:3-4)
True faith is therefore confident obedience to God’s Word and His will in spite of circumstances. We are also reminded that we are not permanent residents of this world but just “passing through”. Our focus should be on the Perfected of our Faith.
“Hasten on from grace to glory, Armed by faith and winged by prayer. Heav’n’s eternal days before me, God’s own hand shall guide me there. Soon shall close my earthly mission, Swift shall pass my pilgrim days; Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise.”
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that you would grow our faith from day to day so that we may worship you more fully, walk with you more closely and work for you more earnestly. Thank you for reminding us that we are pilgrims in this land. Continue to be our guide as we journey on to the beautiful home you have prepared for us so that our faith may one day turn to sight. Amen.
Thought for the Day: True faith is confident obedience to God
Dr. Susan Viji, Carmel M T C, Boston.