Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
The Hindrances to Kingdom Of God
“Though they dig down to the depths below, from there my hand will take them. Though they climb up to the heavens above, from there I will bring them down.”
In today's world we are all living for “the pursuit of happiness.” Our sensor for right and wrong has become so skewed that usually we say this or that brings me happiness so how can it be wrong. As followers of Christ, we are called to more than just an endless stream of worldly pleasures. This is also not to say that God wants us to always be in sour spirits, suffering or struggling. The question we need to ask ourselves is are we living the life God has envisioned for us? In our pursuit of happiness do we oppress or uplift those around us. We often consider ourselves just a mother/father, a devout Christian or just an employee or professional of some sort, but the fact remains that as Christians we are called to do and be more within our own families, communities, and wherever we are placed. If we can view our selves through the God’s eyes we are never limited. Amos could have said he was just a sheep-herder but he responded to the call and followed through by speaking as a prophet, even when it was not the popular thing to do.
In the portion Amos also points out how no one seeked the Lord even when tested through hardships. It is still true today whether it be seeking the Lord or help through resources available for problems plaguing our community such as: alcoholism, marital problems, mental illness, and emotional/sexual/physical abuse. Slowly, some are coming forward seeking help, but many in our communities still suffer silently due to the stigma placed by our own “Christian” community. Are we hindrances to the Kingdom of God or are we available to help those in need? Rick Warren in his book, The Purpose Driven Life, asks this very pertinent question, “What is the metaphor for your life?“ The way we view our life speaks volumes of how we spent our time, wealth, and energies. If our metaphor for life is rooted in Christ then our life becomes meaningful.
Prayer: Lord, give us a spirit of compassion and wisdom to understand how to help those in need. Use us according to your will. Amen
Thought for the Day: Show us your vision for us and use us to help those in need.
Binu Chacko, St. Johns MTC, NY.