Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."( 8)
God tells us: “You are not the main character in your story. I AM the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. I AM the one who is, and the one who was, and the one who is to come. I’m the beginning, and the middle, and the end. I’m the story. It’s about me. It’s all about me.”If God is the main character in our lives, He will spend our lives revealing Himself. He will take our lives and reveal more of His love, more of Himself, to us, and through us. God will shine His light through us and we will not have to fight for our reputation. We will get to love our neighbors as ourselves.
If God is the main character in our lives, we will have comfort and safety, and meaning and purpose. That comfort, not comfortable living, will be real comfort that is filled with Hope. The kind of comfort that God talks about, that we can have in times of suffering, even when that makes no sense. How could those of us who’ve experienced terrible loss still know there is still something good going on? because God gives us His comfort. He cries and He groans with us. It’s an alongside, a holding kind of comfort.
We get safety. Not safety like freedom from danger, like car accidents and such. There’s no safer life than the one with Jesus at the center. Not safe as in free from danger, but, safe as in free from the need to worry. What would that be like? It will be free from the fear of what others think of us, free from the fear of what our future holds, free from anything that could try to separate us from the love of God. It’s a promise.
And purpose. There is no greater purpose than the one Jesus is all about. It’s love. Love for our family and our friends and co-workers. It is love for our neighbors, for the people who we pass by at the grocery store, we drive by on the freeway, for the people standing on the street corners holding the cardboard signs. It is also love for our enemies. It is radical, sacrificial love, the kind that transforms homes and neighborhoods and countries. Love is the purpose that He wants to live for, Radical, transformative, love.
Prayer: O God, I pray that that your thoughts would weave its way into all the details of our lives, so that our stories would take on new meaning and new power as we are caught up in your great story. We love you, and we say thanks for that. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thought for the day: With God as the main character of our lives, life isn’t easy, but we live as we were made to live, in partnership with Him.
Mr. Wilson David, MTC, Seattle

Theme of the Week: The authority of the Word of God

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