Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Barren Churches in Light
of the Cross
“For if people do these
things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
–Luke 23:31
does a beautiful job in presenting the accounts of the Gospel while bringing
forth theological significance of the history. In this passage Luke does a
beautiful job bringing forth an eschatological meaning among the significant
event of Jesus’ death on the cross. Women followed Jesus to the cross and they
mourned and wailed because of the pain and suffering that were placed on Jesus.
Jesus then turns to the crowd and addresses them as the “Daughters of
Jerusalem” which is not just addressing women, but metaphorically addressing
the universal church. Jesus states “do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and
for your children. For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the
childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed”.
This statement is metaphorically significant to the Church today. Jesus tells
them to weep for themselves, the church, and for those the church outreaches to
(your children) because there will be a time when the Church will think that
fruitless Churches (childless women, wombs that never bore, breasts that
never nursed) are blessed.
today’s society, we as a Church face this type of thinking. Society measures
people by the things of this world (money, riches, fame) and technology has
seeped into our society giving significance to the cyber world and not the real
world and people. We are disconnecting from each other and clinging to the
barren things of this world for hope and security. Churches water down the
Gospel to make it appealing to the greedy and selfish society we live in, which
eliminates the true saving power of the Gospel. Barren churches are rising up
in our society today, teaching false doctrines such as the prosperity gospel
and cheapening grace. Amongst all the worldly blessings we have, amongst all
the worldly security we hold onto, we crave these barren Churches and crave
false teachings for our selfish motives. Just as it states in verse 31, what
will happen to our faith when the land is barren, when the worldly securities
fall and crumble? Where will our church stand then?
is our responsibility as a church to stand firm on the true teachings of Gospel
and to clearly preach His word to those who are craving to find hope and
salvation. 2 Peter 2:1-3 warns Christians to beware of Churches that are
fruitless and barren. Jesus also warned the Church as He approached the cross
to lay down His life for those who would stray away and betray all that He has
done. The cross He bore gave significance to the role of the Church.
Prayer: Lord, as your Church in today’s
society, it is our prayer that we closely examine ourselves in light of Your
cross. Convict our hearts that we as your Church may be true to who You are and
the Gospel. Help us to preach your Word not only through our words, but through
our daily actions and help us to move from barren to fruitful people. Amen.
for the Day: Barrenness
to fruitfulness is the miracle of the Kingdom
Vattakunnel, Trinity MTC, Houston
Theme of
the week: Motherhood: Participation in God's plan