Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Sacrament of Marriage
“The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called ‘woman’for she was taken out of man.”
 Men and women are different. They have different ways of thinking, different tastes, and different strengths. God designed men and women to be different so they could make each other complete.  You’ve heard the old cliché, "OPPOSITES ATTRACT." That’s good because a man and a woman can help one another further expand their interests, further develop their character, and further balance their lives. God’s divine desire was to create a man and a woman to be together, to become one. God, Himself, saw that man should not be alone and made him a helper comparable to him. Meaning similar to him, equal to him, helping him and supporting him in all things. I Corinthians 11:9 states that “woman was created for the man”.  Men and women were created to have understanding, develop respect, nurture love and to procreate. Children are a heritage from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is His reward but procreation is not the main aim of marriage. Many couples cannot have children and struggle with this expectation of marriage.  While the gift of children is a true blessing, children are only one of the many gifts through which God gives His blessings.
Paul compared the marriage between a man and woman to the relationship that God Himself has with us, His people. Marriage is only a small version of what an enduring and lasting relationship with Christ should be, and our union with Christ is the ultimate example of what a marriage should be. Paul expresses this in Ephesian 5:32 when he talks about marriage asbeing “a great mystery”. Just as the church has to cooperate with God, there must be cooperation between man and woman.
In our world today, the meaning of marriage and spouse has taken on new understandings. We, as Christians, have but only one understanding of this union. Christian marriage between a man and a woman is elevated through the Holy Spirit during our marriage ceremony. Through prayers and the faith of our community of believers, the couple is united in the Lord. He is there blessing the rings, He is there with the circling of the crowns and He is there with the tying of the minnu. In this way, the bride and groom fulfill the work of the Holy Spirit and become one. The union of  marriage, the independence of living as one and the stability of family need to endure from now and until Christ comes again.
Prayer:  We come to you Lord in Prayer and ask your blessing on our marriages as we come together in harmony with sympathy, compassion and humility, faithfulness, honesty, respect and most of all love. Amen
Thought for the day:  “God created marriage. No government subcommittee envisioned it. No social organization developed it. Marriage was conceived and born in the mind of God.”  ~ Max Lucado

Suja Thannickal, St. Thomas MTC, NY

Theme for the week: The sacrament of Marriage

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