Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Youth is to be with the Creator
your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the
years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them,”-
The wise King Solomon, who shared his God-given wisdom in Proverbs, focused in
Ecclesiastes on the meaning of life in an imperfect and fallen world. This
passage was written to the young people to remind them that life is going fast
and before they know it, those who are young today will be one day old. He
states that life here on earth, without God leads to emptiness and vanity.
Meaning in life is not found in money, pleasure, work, knowledge or popularity.
True satisfaction comes from knowing God and doing what pleases Him.
Younger people should not get the idea that they can forget about
God until they get older. That day may never come. People who have lived much
of their lives without God do not easily find Him in the eleventh hour.
Temptations are all around us. It can be subtle but yet powerful. These
temptations are constantly turning thousands of young people away from the
truth of God. But it can become worse as you get older. The pressures to
conform to this world are greater as a young person moves into his life, career
and family life. These pressures are far intense than when they were in the
earlier years of their education. Evil pressures increase, and that is one good
reason to remember your Creator in the days of youth.
One of the difficulties in old age is the unwillingness to change in
circumstances. We have all witnessed or experienced this in our lives. Youth is
a time for curiosity, learning and motivation for growth. So when we are young,
we should learn about God now. Our Lord Jesus grew up in a godly home, exposed
himself to the truth of the Scripture. He grew up in wisdom, stature and in
favor with God and men. He manifested such wisdom that when He was twelve years
old, He astonished the teachers of the temple, asking them thought provoking
questions they could not answer. Then He went back home to his parents in
Many Christians today are living empty lives without taking God seriously. They
continue to live empty and vanity filled lives. Solomon here in this passage,
reminds us that we need to heed God’s call now, remember
God now, because life is uncertain, and not at an old age. We all need to live
a life pleasing to God and exemplify what it means being a Christian, by being
a role model to others. May we heed to the wisdom that Solomon gained before we
lose the opportunity we have.
Prayer:- Almighty Father, Thank
you for all your manifold blessings towards us. Help us to live a life pleasing
to you. Help us in our youth to reach out to you, as you are the source of all
goodness and grace.
for the day: Don’t
let your youthful age separate you from the lovingness of God.
Mrs. Gracy Thomas, Long Island M T C, NY.
of the week - Youth: a time to be with the Creator