Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Forgiveness and
Remember, O Lord, your great mercy and
love, for they are from of old. (V.6 )
Psalm 25 is evidently a composition of David’s later
days, for he mentions the sins of his youth and the painful references to the
craft and cruelty of his many foes. This has been known to be the second of the
seven Penitential Psalms. The Psalmist’s sorrows remind him of his sin which
drives him to God. With poetic passion David cried out to God. Truly, this is a
fervent prayer. His heart was bared, his soul was offered up in prayer. God
pays heed to such prayer. In worshiping God we must lift up our souls to
Him. Prayer is the ascent of the soul to God.
When we come before God deeply sorry of what we have
done, He will forgive us. He will heal us and restore us. When we sin, we can
feel so unworthy and unholy to come before God. But, don’t let that stop us
coming to receive God’s forgiveness and reconciliation. In life we all
make choices. When things get tough because of wrong choices and mistakes, we
want instant forgiveness and restoration. God wants to redeem us and deliver
us, but He also wants to make sure we have sincerely learned and turned from
the cause of our self-inflicted woes.
Forgiveness does not mean instant restoration of trust.
Forgiveness is based on grace. Trust is built on works. Every honest Christian
must admit that at times we disobey and disappoint God. The great men and women
we meet in Bible all failed God at one time or another. Only Jesus did not sin
because in Him there was no sin. Yet He sacrificed himself on Calvary for our
sins. He forgave those who condemned him and tortured him. But we people feel
completely justified in holding on to unforgiveness. We need to choose to
forgive. Then only we can experience God’s peace and love.
This Lenten season is the reminder of Jesus’ ultimate
sacrifice for our restoration and redemption. The plan of God in sending His
son was to restore which has been broken and ruined. The Lord’s saving work is
a global repair job. Each one of us has come to Him already ruined by sin. But
God’s will and His promise is to restore and renew us through His son.
Prayer: Blessed Savior, help us to forgive those who have failed
us. Please make us realize that unforgiveness is a heavy load to bear. Help us
to put it at the foot of the cross and leave it there; so that we can
experience your peace and comfort in our lives.
Thought for the day: “Confession of sin
is the soil in which forgiveness flourishes.”
Anna A Panackal,
Philadelphia MTC