Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Come Holy Spirit- Transform the Creation.
“And the Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number believed and turned
to the Lord.”(v. 21)
The Creator is also the
Our eternal Father formed
the World with the Word. He alone transforms it by the same. The Word of
God shares with us that nothing in existence was formed without Jesus.
Jesus is the living word. Not that he was the living word, not that he will be
the living word, but He is the living Word. You and I are literally held
together because He wills it so right now. Science still fails to answer the
question how something was formed from nothing. It is for science to discover,
our Father to know, and us to believe. All of creation points to a
Father-Creator just as all of the new creation (by Jesus’ breathing His Spirit
on to the early church) points to Father-Son-Creator.
Outsiders Living
in the New Covenant
The covenant which God
gave the people of Israel through Moses was just the continuation of the plan
of Eternal Love. So a major question we find in the early church (Acts
11) is that of God’s will among the outsiders. The outsiders in this case
being the Gentiles. The early church fathers felt they could discern
God’s will based on their past experiences. The past can never predict
how the spirit of God operates. The Spirit of God operates in Love, while
the spirit of man operates in sin. Yet the early church members who lived
out the covenant with Moses deemed it was they alone who could fulfill the new
covenant in JESUS the CHRIST. They were chosen by God for the covenant
that Moses was the vessel for. They assumed they would again be ‘the
chosen’ for the new covenant. They were, but not just them. All are
called to return.
Human’s unity at the cost
of GOD’S disunity
What pleased God was not
what pleased man. God was pleased to give His Eternal and Holy Spirit to
those the religious world deemed as “outsiders.” This was why Christ
Jesus was sent at that precise moment in History. To bring unity to
humanity, Christ, The Son had to be separated from His Father. Man’s
unity with himself and with God, came at the cost of our Father/Son disunity.
It was the ultimate and final cost to bring Agape to creation. When our
Jesus cried “Why have you forsaken me?” The resounding silence from Heaven
answered “For them.”
Prayer: Dear Father, in the name
of Your begotten son Jesus, we pray for a complete transformation in our lives
and the lives that you have entrusted us with.....Amen
Thought for Day: Transformation that God
requires has two important parts. The 21st verse in Acts 11 shares
that the first step is believing, while the second is turning to
the Lord. True Faith leads to true repentance leading to Love lived
Adarsh Abraham, Long Island MTC, NY