Word for the day by Christian education forum

Trinity Community of Love
Psalm: 150
Philip Manuel and Laila Anie Philip
Carmel MTC, Boston
V6.Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
Praising God with words of admiration, deep appreciation and  worship can only come from a heart of great gratitude. It is giving God the recognition He deserves for the unmerited mercy He extends to us.

Throughout the Bible we come across different people who are praising God for His love, protection and care and most of them are found in the book of psalms. (Exo.15:2, 2 Sam.22:4, Jer.20:13, James 5:13, Rev.7:12, Psalm 96:4, Psalm 100:1-5, Psalm 103:1, Psalm149:3 etc.)

Psalm 150 uses the word praise thirteen times in its six verses. Verse 1 provides the “where" of praise - “in His Sanctuary and in His mighty heavens.” Verse 2 says  “why” to praise the Lord-“for his acts of power and surpassing greatness.” Verses 3-5 says “how” to praise the Lord- with variety of instruments and dancing and the last verse , v6 says “who” is to praise the Lord- “everything that has breath.”

Praising and worshipping the God is an integral part of those who have true fellowship with the Triune God. Edward L .Johnson , a retired Chief Executive Officer  of a Financial Company and leader in the Savings and Loan Industry once said like this, “One of the things that made an impact on my life was when someone said to me , “Your mother prayed for you before you were born.” She died when I was only 3, and I committed my life to Christ when I was 17. His help is a constant reality in every facet of my life, in church, in sorrow, in joy. Why shouldn’t it work in business? I sought and received God’s help in my business. Success, for me , means being in the will of God. That is the kind of success which is eternal- not subject to the whims of a changing economy.”

In today’s world, we may put other people, our profession or materialistic gains above God, but the Psalmist reminds us that everything that has breath is to praise God for His acts of power and surpassing greatness .To give God praise, let us ask God, the Trinity, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit to help us to put God first in our life.



O God, please help us to put You first in our life and give praise to You for Your love and care for us. Amen.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
( Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711


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