Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
of all Believers
Philip Varghese
St. John’s MTC, New
O Lord God of hosts, how long will
you be angry with your people’s prayers?
Psalm 80 contains the history and hopes of
Israel in nineteen verses. It makes reference to the Israelites release from
bondage in Egypt, their golden years as a unified nation, and their demise.
This psalm is one of a series of psalms, starting with Psalm 73, of a
similar tone of lament and self-examination. Through these passages, the
psalmists, though accepting of Israel’s inherent responsibility for its own
state of decay, cry out to God at various times, asking how long his anger
against Israel will last.
Psalm 80 ends with a somewhat curious promise
in the penultimate verse – that “[Israel] will not turn away from you..[and
will]…call on your name.” However, Israel’s history shows a cycle: sinning
by Israel, punishment by God directly or indirectly through other nations,
repentance by Israel, and subsequent rescue by God. Indeed the human condition
is one that exhibits this very cycle on a microcosmic scale whereas Israel’s
cycle is represented in the Bible on a macrocosmic one. We sin, we suffer for
it, we repent and then ask God to rescue us from whatever pit that we ourselves
are responsible for digging.
As told through this psalm, the story of Israel
also paints a sobering picture for the Malayalee Christian community here in
the United States. Many of us have been told stories of strong traditions of
prayer and disciplined living of our great grandparents and grandparents, but
now, church pews are emptier while social media chat platforms are fuller.
Weddings are more extravagant while marriages are poorer. Suits are more
expensive while the integrity of those wearing them is woefully lacking. Bibles
are plentiful but readers are few. Perhaps we too – deacons, lay leaders,
committee members, Sunday School teachers, parishioners and every shade
in between, will one day be penning our own Psalm 80 and wondering how it all
went wrong.
Father in Heaven, deal not with us as we
deserve but with mercy. Give us the strength to reflect, repent, and seek Your
grace. Amen.
Here, save for the grace of God, regardless of all my
achievements, go I.
(Author unknown but a version has been ascribed to the preacher John Bradford who died in 1555:)
(Author unknown but a version has been ascribed to the preacher John Bradford who died in 1555:)