Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Impartial Justice with Righteous Living
Amos 5: 18-27
 Vs. 24. But let justice roll on like a river; righteousness like a never-failing stream”
 The prophet Amos warns the people of Israel about the judgment that is to come. People of his time were self righteous and religious. Amos finds hypocrisy in their life. Their actions and worship did not go hand in hand. Some of them longed    for the day of the Lord, and thought they will be saved on that day. But Amos tells them, on the day of the Lord, they will be subject to unimaginable misery and suffering. It will be a day of darkness for them and not of light as expected. He compares their coming misery, to the misery of a man who flees from a lion and meets a bear or is bitten by a snake. There is no escape or refuge for them. The wrath of God is upon them. The reason for His wrath is the absence of fairness and the presence of unrighteousness in their daily activities. Amos tells them, God hates and despises their assemblies and festivals. God will not accept their burnt offerings. He has no regard for their choicest fellowship offerings. He will not listen to their songs and melodies. God knows about their insincerity and idol worship. Amos asks people to turn away from all wickedness. God wants justice to roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream in their midst. God will be pleased in actions rather than rituals, actions that involve impartial justice and good deeds. Obviously, for those who practice God’s words, the judgment day will be a day of light and joy. For the rest, it will be a day of abandonment and exile.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the prophet, Amos, and God’s words that came through him. Enable us to put these words to practice. We understand that it is Your wish to execute fair judgment and practice good deeds in our day-to-day life. We pray for those who live in oppression and fear. Enable us to become Your instruments to bring Your peace to them. Amen.
"Seek good and not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say He is". Amos 5:14
Joseph Kurian Ph. D, Carmel MTC, Boston MA 
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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