Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Identifying the Risen Lord at the Work Place
1 King 19:19-21
VS. 21 ..........Then he set out and followed Elijah, and became his servant.
 A few years ago, we had a meeting at our office regarding personal articles kept at work place. It was communicated to the participants that the office is public place and articles of religious faith should not be exhibited rampantly. It did not have the expected result because most of the participants continued to keep the articles dear to them on the desktop.
 We live in a day and age where God is becoming an ignored entity in public place. Several civil debates and court cases have sprung from this very topic. The human race as a whole and Christians in particular, continue to overlook the omnipresence of God. It is in such a context that the presence of Risen Christ becomes relevant as a subject for discussion.
 When we carefully examine the scripture for our study, Elisha did three things by which he identified Elijah as a man of God.
 1) As soon as Elijah put the mantle on Elisha, he left the oxen and ran after Elijah. This action proclaims Elisha’s readiness to serve the Lord.
 2) Elisha gave priority to serve the Lord over his human duty as a son to serve his earthly parents.
 3) Elisha destroys the elements that enslaved him to the worldly tasks.
 The natural reaction that arises in us will be:
 1) Am I to leave my job in order to serve the Lord?
 2) It does not make any sense if all the Christians leave their present jobs and start preaching.
 3) Is it practical to make a living if everyone is to follow this path?
 Our blessed Lord, during His ministry on the earth, dealt with various individuals. They came from all parts of the society: people of various colors, races, nationalities, beliefs and professions. We do not see the Lord asking them to leave their profession, believe in Him or follow Him except for the twelve disciples he chose for His ministry.  Zacchaeus is a relevant case to demonstrate this point. Lord Jesus announced salvation to the house of Zacchaeus but did not ask him to refrain from his profession of tax collection.
 If that is the case, then how are we going to identify the Risen Lord? At the very start, we have to ask ourselves: “Do we acknowledge the power of His presences in our lives? Do our actions and speech edify His words and deeds in our daily walk?" Once we get a definite and resounding ‘YES’, then we can be sure that those around will sense the whistle of the Holy Spirit as well.
 The most important evidence of the presence of the Risen Lord in our lives is our triumphant outlook on sin and death. The radiance of bright hope in our speech and action will undoubtedly proclaim His glorious presence to others at workplace. The glowing faith in our lives will guide those at work place and those in our lives to the very source of such faith. Finally, the engulfing love of God will fill their hearts with heavenly melodies of the Risen Christ.
Father God, we ask you to provide us the courage to acknowledge the your power and presence in our work place. Amen
Let us dedicate ourselves to serve the commission of our Lord and Savior with a heart full of gratitude.
Abraham Mammen, Epiphany MTC, NY
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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