Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Epiphany- Baptism of our Lord (Solidarity with God’s Creation)
Matthew 3:13-17
Vs 17 - And a voice from Heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.”
Jesus’ baptism was not for repentance because He had never sinned, rather it was “to fulfill all righteousness” and that means to accomplish the mission of His Father. Jesus saw baptism as advancing God’s work. The reasons behind Jesus’ baptism was that: 1. He was supporting John the Baptist, 2. He was beginning His public ministry, 3. He was identifying with God’s children. Jesus who was the perfect human did not need baptism, but He accepted baptism in obedient service to His Father and the Father showed His approval.
We can see that this passage also highlights the doctrine of the Holy Trinity as well. We can see that God the Father speaks, God the Son is baptized and God the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus. God is One, yet Three persons at the same time. The unity of the Trinity is divine harmony and it is greatly pictured here.
Our Church practices both infant baptism as well as adult baptism. The important thing is that we practice ONE baptism, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5). There are many people who question infant baptism stating that the children are not understanding their faith in order to be baptized. Faith is something that does not develop to one person in its fullest, faith is a growing process. One cannot know God fully; God is beyond human comprehension and knowing God is a growing process. It should start from birth itself for Christian God-believing households. Children do not belong to us; they belong to God. We have to bring them up in faith and dedicate them for God’s purpose as set aside and unique for the plans of God. Never hinder the little ones from God’s divine plans. God calls the Christian parents to bring the children up in faith and be faithful stewards and baptism reminds all of us in that respect. Humanity belongs to God. God came into the world to identify and redeem humanity, and we partake in baptism with that understanding.
We can see that this passage also highlights the doctrine of the Holy Trinity as well. We can see that God the Father speaks, God the Son is baptized and God the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus. God is One, yet Three persons at the same time. The unity of the Trinity is divine harmony and it is greatly pictured here.
Our Church practices both infant baptism as well as adult baptism. The important thing is that we practice ONE baptism, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5). There are many people who question infant baptism stating that the children are not understanding their faith in order to be baptized. Faith is something that does not develop to one person in its fullest, faith is a growing process. One cannot know God fully; God is beyond human comprehension and knowing God is a growing process. It should start from birth itself for Christian God-believing households. Children do not belong to us; they belong to God. We have to bring them up in faith and dedicate them for God’s purpose as set aside and unique for the plans of God. Never hinder the little ones from God’s divine plans. God calls the Christian parents to bring the children up in faith and be faithful stewards and baptism reminds all of us in that respect. Humanity belongs to God. God came into the world to identify and redeem humanity, and we partake in baptism with that understanding.
Gracious God, guide us your baptized children to grow in knowledge and in understanding of You and Your will for our lives, Help us to live to please You in all that we are and do. Amen.
Baptism was the initiation for Christ’s public ministry. We who are already baptized, are we ministering?
Rev. Jess M. George
Youth Chaplain, North East Region
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church
Rev. Jess M. George
Youth Chaplain, North East Region
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church