Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Hebrews 13:1-10
Vs 2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers. 
The book of Hebrews was written to a group of first century Christians who were in  danger of giving up their faith. Many new converts mainly Jewish Christians were put to test. They were exposed to fierce persecution, physically assaulted and thrown into prison. Some of them accepted this with joy but many were wavering in their newfound faith in Christ. It is to this audience that the author convinces in this epistle not to turn back their backs on Christ and his teachings but to press on with confidence.
In this passage for our meditation today the author emphasizes three aspects the early Christians shall be careful and aware of in their lives. Hospitality to others, love or greed for money and our attitude and the solemnity of marriage are the three vices he wants us to be careful. We are created by God for a purpose to be fulfilled in this world. We shall exercise and practice the values of dedication, prayer, hospitality, compassion, generosity etc. and also teach our generations to continue and practice them. We see in Acts 10:2 the family of Cornelius. He and his family were devout and god fearing. He gave generously to those in need and prayed to God earnestly every day. Hospitality was also advocated by Jesus as he was keen in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and visiting the imprisoned. In Romans 12 we see Paul emphasizing on love and its nature. Love has to be sincere, complete, devoted to one another and honoring other’s needs above yourselves. He also exhorts us to share with people in need and practice hospitality. Love of course is the basis of all Christian ethics .In the Old Testament we see Abraham extending hospitality to the three strangers  that visited him, by Gideon when the angel of the Lord appeared to him (Judges 6 :11-22) Manoah and the mother of samson (Judges 13:3-21)
Secondly the author is urging the early Christians to be content with what they have and not be greedy. The love of money is an evil and is the root cause of self-destruction. We have to find our security not in the money or wealth but totally on the treasures of heaven. We shall not go after material possession that can vanish in no time, but our treasures shall be in heaven where thieves do not break in and steel.
Lastly, he wants everyone to demonstrate purity in marriage. Author emphasizes that immoral and the adulterous will receive the judgement form God. We have to be holy as Jesus our Lord is holy and lead an undefiled life. Our body is the temple of God and we don’t have any right to make it impure by the lust of our flesh and immoral activities. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and tomorrow and He is coming again to take His bride followed by judgement. Let us be faithful and obey His commandments and lead a pure and sincere life pleasing to God.

Lord Grant us the serenity to discern good and evil in our lives and lead a life pleasing to you. Enable us to lead a life holy in your presence, hospitable and caring others. Give us the wisdom to accumulate our treasures in heaven and make safe our place in eternity. Amen
Jesus Christ is same yesterday today and tomorrow; He is knocking at our door. If anyone hears and open it, He is ready to come in and dine with us.

Annie Jose, Mar Thoma Church Staten Island.
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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