Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Gospel for all people (Mission Sunday)
Ephesians 3:1-13
V6 “This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.”
In this verse, we can see the word "together" is mentioned 3 times, which itself indicates God’s plan was for the whole universe. Paul was the preacher to the Gentiles. God’s grace to Paul was to reveal the mystery by divine revelation. Mystery is the wise plan of God for the church which is the unification of believing Jews and Gentiles in the new body. It is the plan of God actively working out. This mystery is revealed by the Holy Spirit to the holy apostles and prophets. Paul was the recipient of this revelation and was given a significant responsibility in the execution of this plan. God used Paul to take this gospel message to the gentiles and God’s hand was at work in this universal plan. Paul understood the sovereignty of God and his administrative plan for the church.
This mystery is that in the past God revealed Himself through Israel, now through Jesus. Gentiles could be heirs together with Israel. Jesus Christ came as the Savior of the entire world, but only those who believe in Him alone will be saved.
God used Paul to declare specifically how Jews and Gentiles would be joined together in one body of Christ. Here the mystery is described that believing Jews and believing Gentiles are joined together into one body of Christ, into one Church, and no longer separated before God as such. Jesus broke down the dividing wall that separated Jews and Gentiles. He made the two one, “making peace”.
All men have an equal standing in Jesus and this could only happen through the gospel. Paul is the servant of this same gospel, because of the gift of grace givento him by the working of God’s power. The preparation for God’s ultimate assumption of headship over the universe is through the effective headship of Christ over a united church.
We are saved by God’s grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and we have been entrusted a stewardship of God’s grace in serving Him with the gifts He has given to us. God is gracious. We deserve nothing. Every breath we take is the gift of God’s grace. Together with Paul, I can say I am less than the least of all God’s people.
We can now rejoice for our salvation. We gentiles have been added in one body of Christ, by God’s grace we are part of Christ’s body the church. The mystery of unity as people of any kind and all backgrounds become one in Jesus. We never need to be discouraged by the circumstances we are facing now. God’s work continues and we are part of it. May God’s glory be praised in all that we do.
Thank you Lord, for the oneness we have in you through our Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to serve you together as equal members of your body. We submit ourselves for the glory of your name. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.
Unity in Christ builds the church and breaks down barriers.
Sherly Thomas, St. Thomas MTC, New York.
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church