Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Saint Andrew the Apostle’s Day Matthew 4: 18-20 V 20: “Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” Jesus chose illiterate fishermen, the two brothers Andrew and Simon, the sons of Jonah from the bottom ring of society to be His disciples. The only quality He looked for in them was their availability to His call. He transformed them from fishermen to fishers of men, soul winners for Christ. Jesus initiated the discipleship process; He went seeking for them, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee while they were fishing. Jesus told them to follow Him, He drew them to Him. They did not respond to His invitation with buts and ifs. They immediately left their boat, nets and family and followed Him. They left their known profession, their identity, security and means of livelihood for the unknown that Jesus was offering them. That is absolute trust in the One who called them. Jesus gave them a new purpose in life as they submitted to His leadership and call. They became full ...