CHRISTIAN APPROACH TO UNTOUCHABLES JOB 2 Vs 13 So, they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights and no one spoke a word to him for they saw that his grief was very great. Mathew 7 1-2 says Do not judge or you will be judged. For the way you judge others you will be judged and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. To be a good Christian it requires more than personal devotions, a warm loving feeling inside for others. God wants us to show the outside world how God works in us and what is expected of us in the troubled world where there are evils of racism, untouchability and injustice. Let the light of Jesus glow in the darkness of the world and god wants us to be the beacon of guidance in troubled waters and darkness. We live in a world of untouchability that rules in many parts of the third world and developing nations including India and racism emerges at an alarming pace in many parts of this great country where we live. What is our Christian response to the downtrodden, the marginalized and the untouchables in the society? We as a church have made so much progress in this area especially with the establishment and promotion of Dalit Churches, uplifting their roles in the society by providing better education and making them responsible citizens in the society. The move to minister to transgenders in India is very significant as far as our church is concerned and we pray and hope that our actions will be able to wipe their tears to some extent. They are given proper recognition and efforts are underway to their upbringing. In todays portion for our meditation, we see God’s servant Job in a state of adversity. He is being tempted and attacked by Satan and we see the unwavering faith of Job exhibited by his relentless effort not to deny His God from whom he has enjoyed countless blessings before. Adversity and bad circumstances are temporary and for every hostile event there will be an end. However, you are condemned or suppressed by others in the society and you need the strength of God to withstand the abuse, Situations will change, society will change through learning, troubles and cries will disappear and brighter days will appear for everyone as per god’s plan. Let we as Christians be facilitators for this change and let us work together to remove the evils of untouchability and injustice from the society and work together to see everyone equal before the eyes of God. PRAYER Lord grant me the knowledge, patience and self-discipline to know others and treat others as partners in our mission to establish God’s world in the Earth we live.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Do justice, Live humbly and treat everyone equal as God has created no one inferior or superior.
Dr Thomas K. Jose The Mar Thoma Church Staten Island. Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church |