Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Women as participants in the Divine

Romans 16: 1-16
V. 2 “I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of His people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people including me.”
As we have meditated on the theme of “Women participant in the Divine” this past week, we can understand the role of women in shaping the lives of people throughout their spiritual journey.  Here in this passage, we see Paul’s personal greetings, and many of them are women.  The first two verses talk about Phoebe, the deaconess.  She is known to be a wealthy woman who helped and supported Paul and his ministry.  She was a woman of high regard to the early Christian community.  Just through these two verses, we can see that women had significant roles in the early church.

In v. 3 we can see a married couple in Priscilla and Aquila who became Paul’s close friends and a great encourager to Paul as they were Christians even before they met Paul.  Another husband-and-wife team was seen in Andronicus and Junia who were also loyal followers of Christ and were in the Christian faith before Paul was.  As we read this personal greeting, we can see Paul covered Romans, Greeks, Jews and Gentiles, men, and women.  All worked together for the glory of God and influenced Paul, especially for his spiritual growth and missionary zeal.  In v. 13, we see Rufus’ mother was also a great mother figure to Paul as well.  In all that we have gathered throughout the ministry of Paul, women played a big role in his life.  Let us also look back into our lives and think of all the women that shaped us.  Our mothers’ tears when they prayerfully cry and their perseverance in life through prayer guides us to grow to live and love God.  We should thank God for blessing us with women with strong faith and discipline that guides us to be Christ-like.  Let us pray for the young women of our community to understand the calling God has for each individual both men and women alike to be used significantly to bless the world around us, especially to be a great guide for the next generation.

Almighty God, thank you for the women of our lives that guide us to be who we are today, to fear You, and to live fully for Your will. Amen.

Thought for the Day
Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
Proverbs 31:28

Rev. Jess M. George
Youth Chaplain, North-East Region 

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