Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Fall of Creation, redemption, and restoration

Ephesians 2: 11-18.
  “But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. ”vs 13.

In this passage, Paul speaks of the condition of the Gentiles before Christ came. The Gentiles were without hope and were separated from society. The differences between Jews and Gentiles were vast.  When we look at today’s world there are differences in race, ethnicity, nationality, social standing, political convictions, gender, and age that all create divisions and conflicts. These divisions are one result of the fall of creation when sin entered a perfect world and separated us from God. 
Paul goes on to say in this passage, that in Christ all these barriers and divisions are removed. The word “redemption” comes from the Latin word “buy back.” Jesus took on himself the punishment we deserved because of our sin by shedding his blood and dying on the cross (substitutionary atonement).  With His death and resurrection "[Jesus] crushed the dividing wall of hostility” between the Jews and Gentiles...providing the pathway for reconciliation between God and humankind, and those of any race. He restores us.
When we come to faith in Christ, our character is reshaped; our thinking changes; our opinions, values, and attitudes are radically changed. John Stott calls “internal character” the “foundation stones of Christian unity.”
As we know, a piano consists of different keys. When a piano’s keys get out of tune, it doesn’t produce a melodious sound. The piano needs to be re-tuned regularly by a professional. We too must be tuned by the Holy Spirit. For receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we should spend time in God’s presence daily and meditate on the word of God. By the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we can be in harmony with our fellow believers.
The sight of the Cross awakens us with the love of Christ. If we love Christ, then we love each other. Peace cannot be achieved through any treaties or agreements, but only in Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, help us to be an instrument of Your love.

Thought for the Day

Christ's love creates unity in midst of diversity.

Binu Cheriyan,
             Immanuel MTC, Virginia

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