Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

Matthew 24:35

It calls for the attainment of the knowledge of God by referring to the 6 basic principles contained in the Christian faith. These principles can be divided into three parts. 1. Repentance and faith. 2. Baptism, the laying on of hands 3. Resurrection, Judgment. Faith without works is dead. The completion of knowledge requires the grace of God more than human effort. Knowledge is possible only through receiving God's grace. For believers who have been saved by grace through the Lord Jesus Christ, it is imperative that they be saved from slipping into inanimate works. Those who were once redeemed are those who once confessed their sin and surrendered. Those who have enjoyed the heavenly gift are those who have experienced the salvation of Jesus Christ. The power of the world to come is those who experience salvation in this world. Such people renouncing the faith they once had is tantamount to crucifying the Son of God again and bringing him into the world. Those who have had the opportunity to accept Christ but have not entered into the true faith will not have the opportunity to repent once more. The crucifixion of the Son of God is a warning to believers who have fallen into sin. Here's the entrance to God given to those who have been set free from sin through the priestly ministry of Jesus Christ. The analogy of agriculture also describes those who remain in the faith and those who renounce the faith. Here the farmer is God. Those who stand firm in the faith give the fruit that the farmer desires and receive the blessing from God. Apostates are likened to the depraved ground that grows on thorns and thistles. This refers to Christians who have lost their salvation. They renounce their faith and are punished by God.

Oh God, lead us to experience salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Help us to remain faithful. In the blessed name of Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thought for the Day

The most dangerous creation of a society, is the man who has nothing to lose.
                                    Hanoc Sam Thomas

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