Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Psalm 16
Psalm 16 is a song of David. From the first two verses, it is evident that David composed this Psalm in the midst of hardships, fear, and insecurity. But, later he declares that God turned his insecurity to security, grief to joy, scarcity to an abundance of joy in Christ.
Throughout the Psalm, David looks up to the Lord as his PROTECTOR (V.1-4); his INHERITANCE (v. 5-6), and his HOPE (v. 9,10,11)
God, our Protector
David finds comfort and safety in God. And that trust comes from his experiences, when God delivered him in his hardships and made a promise that he will be with David wherever he goes. (2 Sam7:5-16) He trusted in God’s unfailing love and his salvation (Ps.13:5).
He relied on the people of God, rather than following the false gods. In the present context, all influences that take us away from God are false gods. God’s intervention made him declare that Jesus is his Lord, his Master and apart from Him, there is nothing good. All things come from Him. Something that we often do is ‘forgetting the Creator and enjoying his creations.’ Jacob, in his time of insecurity and guilt, had a dream of God saying, “I am the Lord, … I will give your descendants the land on which you are lying.” (Gen28:13). And he found in Him his protection and security.
God our Inheritance
When God gave the promised land to the Israelites, he divided the land and gave them their portions. But he said to Aaron, ‘I AM your share and your inheritance among the Israelites’. God gave him this great privilege. David too had tasted God’s love and protection and was delighted to declare that God was his portion, his share, and his inheritance. He started his life journey as a shepherd, but God lead him through all difficult situations and he acquired the most valuable - ‘The Lord and God’, as his inheritance. We make choices in life to attain goals that are valuable, precious, and attractive. But there is nothing more valuable than accepting God as your portion. We may be financially well, with secured jobs, and good relationships. But, the pandemic made us all cry out ‘my Lord and my God’.
God our Hope
David’s faith declaration (v.7,8) gives him the eternal hope that God will not abandon him, or let him decay, even in his death. His close relationship with God gives him the assurance of eternal joy and pleasure at his right hand. Thomas doubted Jesus’ resurrection, but later he believed and declared ‘My Lord and My God’ (Mat 20:24-29). In Paul’s trial before Felix, he says ‘I have hope in God that there will be resurrection of righteous and the wicked.’ (Acts 24:15)
Paul in his letter to Thessalonians gives the hope that those who sleep in death will rise again to be with the Lord (1Thess.4:13-18). The psalmist declares that God shows us the path of life(v.11). But where are we heading to? What is our ultimate goal? Are we running towards achieving something, that has no value in the kingdom of God? God expects us to forget what is behind and run towards the goal, to win the prize for which God has called us. (Phil.3:13,14)
Thought of the day
Don’t grieve on what you have lost, but be glad and rejoice in the Lord for He is your most valuable inheritance.
O Lord, heavenly father, help us to always remember that you are our Lord and God. You are the source of all good things and you are the living God in whom we trust. Help us to rely on your words and find fullness of joy in you. – Amen
Mrs. Jeanette Joy
(w/o Rev. Shiju Thomas)
Mar Thoma Church of Baltimore