Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Anointing the Sick- Sacrament of Healing
“Through the middle of the street of the city. On either side of the river is the tree of life, with its twelve kinds of fruit producing its fruit each month; and the leaves are for the healing of the nations. (Rev 22:2)
Revelations 22, is trying to paint a picture of a world using imagery of things that exist on this earth. It’s a glimpse of heaven, described by John with all the things he has experienced on this earth, and we the reader, look forward to that image because although this world we live in has rivers, trees, fruits, months, leaves, cities and God. The difference between this world and the picture of a heavenly world is sin has caused the very same rivers, trees, and months(time) to be corrupted. So they still give life but the throne that God and the Lamb of God described as being in the center of this image, is no longer in the center of our world.
Sin has caused our relationship with God to be distorted and so we can see and use all of the creation differently. Creation points to the providing and sustaining of life. One of the most amazing things we have on this planet is water. It sustains our lives; it provides for our food and our bodies need it. The more we explore space the more we understand how vast space is and as we discover more and more galaxies, one of the more perplexing things is that this planet is the only one we have discovered with any usable water. If you study the properties of water, you will soon realize that water has thousands of properties. A property is a characteristic that does not change, like for example the Freezing point is 32 F no matter how polluted the water is. It did not evolve to become 32F, it is and always will be.
God is the same way, his justice, his mercy, and his love are never changing even though sin has entered creation. Even after sin corrupted the world God even provided for our restoration through Jesus Christ. He provided for our most important need, which is to be healed of our sin. So not only has God provided for our physical well-being, but he has also provided for our spiritual well-being. You and I can enjoy this life that God has created, knowing that if God has provided for all our needs in a world corrupted by sin. How much more exciting would a world that exists without sin be?
Lord, I thank you for this creation. I thank you for providing everything we need and most importantly providing Jesus. Help me to remember that even on the days I struggle, you are the good provider. Help me to turn to you and remind me of the joy that is to come.
Epiphany Mar Thoma Church