Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Annunciation to Virgin Mary
Psalms: 8V1 “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.”
Israel was waiting for the Messiah to deliver them from oppression and to reestablish the throne of David. Every Jewish woman had the desire for the Messiah to be born in their home. Virgin Mary submitted to the will of God, even without consulting with Joseph to whom she was betrothed, when angel Gabriel spoke to her.
The Creator of the universe left all his glory, humbled himself and came down to earth as a fetus in the womb of Virgin Mary. This is the greatest miracle. He was born to a village girl and lived dependent on her to meet his needs. Virgin Mary had the unique privilege to be the mother of the Son of God. This fulfilled the annunciation of angel Gabriel to Virgin Mary, about the birth of Jesus. Father God used Virgin Mary as His chosen vessel to send his Son, as a gift to the world. She was the only person, fit to be the mother of Jesus.
The Word became flesh and lived amongst human beings. Jesus was born to die as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. He came to planet earth with this divine mission and he accomplished it. He is the Lamb of God and the Light of the world. He went through all the trials and temptations that we go through in our lives and he overcame the world.
The Master Shepherd laid down his life for his sheep on the cross. On him was laid the sins of the world, He nailed it to the cross, paid in full for our sins. By His vicarious death, His finished work on the cross, we have redemption from our slavery to our sins. He gave salvation as a gift, to all who believe in Him. In Christ we have eternal life.
Thank you Lord for your gift of salvation. Enable us to live a life pleasing in your sight.
Thought of the Day
““Behold, the virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel”—which, when translated, means, “God with us.”” Matthew 1:23
Saramma Chacko
Epiphany Mar Thoma Church, NY