Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Beginning of The  Fifteen days lent

 Bible portion:  Mathew  5:38-41

   Vs 41 If someone forces you to go one mile go with him two miles.”

 August 1-15 is set apart as the Fifteen day lent by the church.” I am the Lord’s servant, Mary answered. May your word to me is fulfilled. The first fifteen days in August is set apart to remember and dedicate to the life of Mary who yielded and surrendered completely to God’s will. God selected Mary to be a part of the salvation process and Mary’s response to surrender and trust God gave her the privilege to be the mother of the savior. Through this lent her love, dedication, trust and humility are highlighted and make us available to God like a clay to the potter as Mary.
As we are ready to celebrate the 15-day lent of the church we are taught to embrace the teachings of our master. He emphasizes about our attitude towards others especially those who hurt us and mistreat us. He taught us through the story of the good Samaritan who is our neighbor. Jesus teaches to respond to the evil forces around us with love, forgiveness and compassion.
Lent days shall be a time of repentance, reconciliation and self-evaluation.  This shall be a time of introspection and inventory management of our past and present actions and mode of life. One of the lessons we learned from Covid is the breaking of the chain. Through lent observation we shall be able to break the cycle of retaliation and revenge, God wants us to practice love and kindness and respond to evil with grace and mercy. The way of Christ is that sort of an extraordinary life pattern. We must seek God’s help to transform our lives, our attitude towards others and a total outlook. We cannot be closing our eyes to suffering  world especially our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being tortured for Christ. We cannot keep silence when injustice and cruelty flares around.
Let us journey through this lent period extending Our savior’s love and grace to all around. God is impartial in that He rains water and gives light to all righteous and unrighteous alike at the same time. Let us also modify our lives to strive to do the same following our master’s path and obeying His commandments. 


Lord our father in heaven as we enter this Lenten season we come before you with an open heart. Reveal to us areas where we must change, areas where we must improve in showing kindness, generosity, compassion and humility to all. Fill us with your spirit and transform us into vessels of your intent. Amen

Thought for the Day

Jesus said “Well then go and behave like the Samaritan .” Luke 10

DR. Thomas K. Jose

The Mar Thoma Church Staten island.

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