Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Glorification of The Messiah Through Death
Verses 10 and 11 read: In fact, what was glorious isn’t glorious now, because of the glory that is brighter. If the glory that fades away was glorious, how much more glorious is the one that lasts!
Even though most Airplane Pilots are experts in their missions and flying routines, they always must listen and obey the commands from the control tower to avoid unlikely consequences. A pilot cannot and may not say “I know what I am doing, and I can simply land in JFK Airport with no issues, and I do not have to listen to the Control Tower”. Our daily life is like a flight that takes off and lands at various points, and without listening to the control tower, we could endanger ourselves and others. This control tower must be God first, and then, may be our parents, teachers, community leaders or anyone who has an influence on your life. Bible is the reference book for our long journey.
Glorification of Christ starts with realization of the ‘Glory of God’, which is well beyond all worldly glory. As stated in Psalm 19:1, The heavens declare the Glory of God, the skies proclaim the works of His hands. It takes serene mind and calm surroundings to view and understand the Glory of God in our own nature. In fact, keeping in line with nature and its possessions keeps us humble and long living. As creatures on ‘God created earth’, human nature involves sins and faults. Sinful nature separates us from the Glory of God. This separation can undermine the inner peace and joy of any human being.
Glorification of God involve separation from sins – sinful thoughts and sinful deeds. That separation requires a commitment that goes beyond our worldly routines. As Paul has explained in many of his letters, sin causes spiritual death to anyone. That spiritual death makes anyone a slave to worldly glory and unjustifiable & sinful acts. But God’s Glory can raise you from that spiritual death and can take you to new realms of fruitful life. We must remember the fact that we are just creatures – not creators, and we belong to the creator. Like the anecdote I have quoted earlier, we are invalid if God and God’s help is not with us. We always need heavenly assistance. As stated in our Ref verses, “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters are anything, but only God, who makes things grow”, is a word to always remember. As we see numerous examples in our surrounding and other societies, our own might and power will not get you through, rather we need the mighty power of God, the omnipresent, and all religions in this world uphold this valuable option.
Dear God, do not let my ego and worldly power takeover my thoughts and deeds, rather, let me glorify thy name and thy kingdom through my humble listening to you and by obeying your words and commands. Help me lead a life that is fruitful in every aspect of a Christian servant.
Thought for the Day
“So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters are anything, but only God, who makes things grow”
Dr. Eapen Daniel.
Christos Mar Thoma Church ,Philadelphia