
Showing posts from March, 2024

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Jesus Christ, the One Who Defeated Death and Ressurrected John 20:1-18 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (v.17)   Christ Has Risen! Indeed He Has Risen!                    When we look at the greatest achievement of the world, the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, we must first understand the story of the empty tomb. Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where Jesus laid in the early morning hours, when the world was still covered in darkness. She couldn't believe what she discovered inside, the tomb was empty and the stone was rolled away. Her mind racing with uncertainty, she raced to notify the disciples while her heart was filled with confusion and terror.   With fear and excitement in their hearts, Peter and the other disciple...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Jesus Christ, the One Who Won Over Death by Death Isaiah 56:1-6 "Thus says the Lord: Maintain justice, and do what is right, for soon my salvation will come and my deliverance be revealed." (v.1) In v. 2, we can see that God had commanded all His people to honor Him.  The significant part to remember about the Sabbath is that it is a day of rest, but what does rest mean?  Rest is made to be holy because we should find rest in Him.  In all the ways we see ourselves as held up with our time, we should have our time set apart to honor God.  Ultimately it reminds us that time belongs to God.  As the Jewish community set apart Saturday as their Sabbath, we as Christians are reminded that Sunday is a day that is commemorated as the day Christ rose from the dead.  Today as we set apart as holy Saturday and look forward to Easter, or as we should remember it as Resurrection Day, let us commemorate that we have a day set apart fo...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Good Friday: Crucified Christ- The Way to Eternal Life Hebrews 3:1-19 “For we have become partners of Christ, if only we hold our first confidence firm to the end.” (v. 14)   When I was in college, I recall watching the movie  Passion of the Christ . When I first watched the movie, it moved me quite profoundly as I was able to view a narration of the crucifixion in video form. Until then, my understanding came from the bible and studying the scriptures. I remember my parish vicar, in a sermon at that time, mentioning that what you saw in the movie is nothing compared to what Christ had experienced. His suffering was more immense and beyond our human understanding. It was at that moment I realized that as Christians, we have oftentimes not understood the gravity of the suffering of Christ on the cross, or even understood His death in the way we are supposed to. We, as the faithful, are called to seek Him for who He is, our rock and our salvation – in whose name we place ...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Sacrament of Holy Qurbana St. Matthew 26:17-29 Mt. 26:26 “Take; this is my body” Mt. 26:28 “This is my blood of the covenant…”   Jesus gathers his closest friends together and shares a meal with them. Under normal circumstances this would be just another meal. There was bread and wine, and almost certainly other food as well being served. But during this meal Jesus did something that was very unique. Some time after the meal had begun, Jesus took a loaf of bread that was likely set aside from the beginning of the meal and he also took a cup of wine and he said something very interesting about them. He said that the bread is his body and the wine is his blood of the new covenant. It obviously was not meant literally; so then in what way are his words to be understood?   It’s a call to be  with  him. There are hints of this in our liturgy. [Perhaps there was a time when they weren’t considered hints but obvious truths.] When we partake in the bread and...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Holy Week Ephesians 2   Ephesians 2 is a significant chapter in the bible because it illustrates part of the nature of Christianity. It shows the idea that people are saved through faith, not through their own works, but through the love of Christ. Ephesians 2 begins by talking about how humanity was dead or separated from God, because people lived for the world. People were disobedient and focused more on the pleasures of the world than oneness with God. Paul mentions that people were so centered on satisfying the desires of the flesh, that humanity was deserving of wrath. However, it is through the love of Christ and God’s great mercy, that we can be seated with him and not succumb to death for our transgressions against him. Ephesians 2: 8-9 is an important group of verses to every Christian. In these verses, we see several important words: grace, faith, and gift. In order to understand the significance of this verse, it is vital to understand what those three words mean....

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

    Jesus Christ Bridges the Gap between God and Humanity Hebrews 2  “But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.” - Hebrews 2:9 Devotion He is the Creator of the universe, King of kings, Lord of lords, and Messiah and yet He still surrendered Himself to the point of death on the cross for our sins. Jesus Christ went from creating and sustaining the universe from His position of glory in heaven to being born in a manger. Through His incarnation, Jesus identifies Himself intimately with the human condition, experiencing our joys, sorrows, and temptations. However, unlike us, Jesus never sinned, remaining “perfect through suffering” (v.10). In His perfect obedience and sinlessness, He became the perfect sacrificial offering. In Jewish tradition, an unblemished lamb was required to atone for one's sins. Jesus offered Himse...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

    Annunciation to Mary St. Luke 1:26-38 Devotion In the tapestry of faith, being deemed "highly favored" by God is a profound recognition, one that both elevates and challenges. It's a theme vividly illustrated in the story of the Annunciation to Mary, an emblem of divine favor and human responsibility. As we reflect upon this narrative during Passion Week, we find a compelling parallel to our spiritual journey—a journey marked by the interplay of divine calling and human response. Mary's experience begins with an extraordinary declaration: she is "highly favored" by God. This divine favor, however, is not without its profound demands. Presented with a task that transcends human understanding—bearing the Son of God—Mary faces a pivotal choice. Her initial reaction, a natural blend of trepidation and wonder, mirrors our own when confronted with God's callings in our lives. These callings, often daunting in their scope, invite us into a deeper communion ...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Hosanna: Jesus Christ, the Lord of Peace Biblical Passage: Isaiah 5:1-30 Devotion In the tapestry of biblical narratives, Isaiah 5:1-30 stands out as a poignant allegory of a vineyard, symbolizing God's people, and their deviation from His path. This passage, rich with imagery and divine expectation, sets the stage for the ultimate revelation of peace through Jesus Christ, hailed with the cry of "Hosanna!"—a plea for salvation now celebrated as an exclamation of joy and praise for the Lord of Peace. Divine Restoration through the Prince of Peace The vineyard, meticulously cared for and loved by its keeper, represents the divine investment in humanity, chosen and nurtured to bear the fruit of righteousness and justice. However, the yield of wild grapes—symbolic of Israel's injustice and bloodshed—paints a somber picture of unfulfilled potential and divine disappointment. This backdrop of rebellion and consequent judgment underscores the profound need for true peace a...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Hosanna- Jesus Christ the Lord of Peace Biblical Passage: Luke 19: 29-40 Devotion In the bustling streets of Jerusalem, amidst the fervent anticipation of Passover, there unfolds a sacred moment encapsulated in the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ. As he rides into the city upon a humble colt, adorned not with grandeur but with the adoration of his followers, the air resonates with the cry of "Hosanna!" In this passage from Luke 19:29-40, we witness not only a physical procession but a spiritual unveiling of Christ's true essence as the Lord of Peace. The palm branches, symbols of victory and peace, pave the path for the Prince of Peace himself. Reflecting upon this scene, we are invited to delve into the deeper layers of Christ's identity. He is not merely a conquering hero, but the embodiment of peace – a peace that surpasses human understanding. His very presence exudes tranquility, calming the restless hearts of those who seek refuge in him. In the midst of the ...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Jesus Christ who Overcomes Temptation  Biblical Passage: Luke 4:1-13 “Then Jesus left the Jordan, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness” – Luke 4:1 Devotion There is a childhood (or adult) game that is played called “Two Truths and a Lie”.  The objective is to figure out which one of the three statements is the lie.  I’ll go first.  1) We will have trouble in this world. 2) The devil is the father of lies. 3) Your adversary, the devil, is a sloth.  So, which is the lie?  The devil is by no means a sloth – he is “prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour” (1 Pet 5:8).   We have a very real enemy whose main agenda is to “steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10).  Right after His baptism where God, the Father, declared that He was well-pleased with His beloved Son, Jesus. Jesus was then filled with the Holy Spirit and led into the wilderness with the knowledge He would be tempted ...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Hosanna- Jesus Christ the Lord of Peace Biblical Passage: Philippians 4 :4-9 Devotion We are faced with adversity, arguments and quarrels constantly in our everyday lives and unfortunately it is all too easy to forget the words of Paul in Philippians 4: 4-9. The background of this passage centers around an argument between two women in the early church who allowed a personal quarrel to affect their ministry. As seen in the passage, Paul encourages these women (and the church as a whole) to shift their focus away from their personal differences and towards the Lord. He reminds them that staying close to God and the qualities that are of the Lord allows for a completely new perspective. The key to this comes in verses 6-7: coming to God in prayer and with thanksgiving. The result of surrendering the situation to God is something that Paul considers transcendent: the peace of God guarding our hearts and minds. As humans, our tendency is to use our own understanding and follow our he...

Word for day by Christian Education Forum

  Hosanna=   Jesus Christ the Lord of Peace.         Ephesians  2:11-22 Devotion The word "Hosanna" originates from Hebrew, meaning such as "help" or "save, I pray". Throughout history, it has been used as an exclamation of praise and adoration, particularly in religious contexts. The scene of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, while crowds laid palm branches and cloaks before him, is often referred to as the Triumphal Entry. This event, celebrated on Palm Sunday, signifies Jesus' fulfillment of prophecy and his role as the Prince of Peace. The shouts of "Hosanna" reverberated through the streets, proclaiming Jesus as the long-awaited King who would usher in a reign of peace. Jesus' journey to the cross embodies the ultimate sacrifice for peace. Through his death and resurrection, he reconciled humanity with God, offering forgiveness and redemption to all who  believe. The Apostle Paul describes Jesus as "our peace" who br...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Hosanna - Jesus Christ, the Lord of Peace Biblical Passage: Zechariah 9: 9 – 17 Zechariah 9: 10 I will take away the chariots from Ephraim and the warhorses from Jerusalem, and the battle bow will be broken. He will proclaim peace to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth. Devotion I had once read a story which talked about a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. And after viewing all the paintings, two of them emerged as final contenders. The first was a picture of a calm lake and along the shore was a flock of sheep grazing undisturbed. Everyone thought it was a perfect picture of peace. The second picture had mountains like the first painting, but these were rugged and bare. It also portrayed a dark sky from which rain fell and lightning struck. This was what many would consider the opposite of peace. But when the king looked closely, he saw a little bird had built a nest on the ...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Hosanna . Jesus Christ, The Lord of Peace    Maturing in the Word of God Hebrews 5 :12-14,6'1=20 Hebrews  5:12-14  “ In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!  Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Devotion The above Bible verses were written almost two thousand years ago, but they seem to instruct and warn us even today. The author of Hebrews challenged the first century Christians and told them that they ought to be teachers by ‘this time’, but he concluded that they still needed someone to again teach them the basic truths of God’s word. Most of us were born and brought up as Christians. We pride ourselves for being Christians for decades and for being d...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

           Jesus Christ Who Stops at Human Cries           Psalms 34 : 1-22  Bible Verse : Psalms 34.8 ( New Living Translation)  Taste and see that the Lord is good, oh , the joys of those who take refuge in God Devotion Firstly a quick background ,  this Psalm was authored by David and historians point out that this Psalm was written when David pretended to be insane when he was brought to Abimelech ,  who in turn had pity and sent David away without hurting or killing him. We will segregate our discussion on this Psalm into several sections,  so that we can focus on the key verses that will help us understand the concepts that focus on the theme and that is Jesus Christ Who Stops at human cries and that is the reason I have chosen today key Bible Verse as Psalms 34.8 as we take refuge in God who cares for us and always hears our cry for help when we go through trails and tribulation . Firstly as we f...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Extending Jesus' Compassion to Alleviate Human Suffering Biblical Passage: Mark 10:46-52 Devotion In Mark 10:46-52, we witness the transformative encounter between Jesus and Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who cried out for mercy. This passage illustrates Jesus' compassionate response to human suffering and provides valuable insights into how we can practice His example to alleviate the cries of our fellow beings. Cultivating Compassionate Awareness Like Jesus, we can begin by cultivating a compassionate awareness of the suffering around us. Bartimaeus's cry for mercy serves as a poignant reminder of the cries of countless individuals who are marginalized, oppressed, and in need of assistance. By opening our eyes and hearts to the struggles of others, we can become more attuned to their cries and respond with empathy and compassion. Reaching Out with Love and Empathy Just as Jesus stopped and engaged with Bartimaeus, we can reach out to those who are crying out for help with l...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

           Jesus Christ Who Stops at Human Cries          Scripture Portion: Romans 8:26-30 “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express”. (vs 26b) \ Devotion Today’s text deals with life lived under the influence of the Spirit. This is a theme Paul deals with in Romans and also in his other letters. A spirit filled life leads us from fear to courage, weakness to strength, slavery to freedom, cry to laughter and from despair to hope. Through Jesus Christ we have been granted the privilege of calling God ‘Abba’ Father. In verse 28 of today’s text, we read that “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. Our God is a compassionate God, who keep record of our cries and tears.  In Exodus chapter 3 verse 7 we see a God who came down to rescue His people. “And the Lord said, I ...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Jesus Christ Who Stops at Human Cries          Acts 12: 5 – 16  Devotion This scripture portion sets a scene where the church is earnestly praying in tears for a fellow brother “Peter”.  At the same time, God is at work in the prison where Peter was held captive, getting ready for trial the following day.  In this scene, Peter is jolted from his sleep and when he opens his eyes, he sees a bright light in the prison and an Angel of the Lord. He is lead out of the prison by this angel, his chains fall off, he walks past two prison guards and the iron gate that was locking him in,  miraculously opens when he reaches it.  It was only natural that Peter felt it was all unreal and could not believe what was happening to him. He initially thought he was having a vision. It took him some time to come to himself, to know how miraculously God had worked. In the same portion, it also talks about, how the church, who was earnestly praying for...

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  JESUS CHRIST WHO STOPS AT HUMAN CRIES Biblical Passage: Genesis 21: 9 - 19 - God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” – Genesis  21: 17-18 Devotion Stuck between a rock and a hard place. This is what it must have felt like for Hagar as she and her son were driven from Abraham’s encampment. The rejection that Hagar felt is the same emotion that many of us experience. However, God reminds us through this passage that even though we may go through human rejection, pain, and suffering, He deeply cares and understands our sorrows.  Abraham is one of the individuals we oftentimes look to as an example of how to live a faithful life. In Abraham’s life, we can see that others around him displayed a significant level of faith. As we read through Gene...