Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


  Bible portion: 2 Corinth.  13:11-14

Verse: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy spirit be with you all.

 Apostle Paul's  concern for the well being of the Corinthian church,   formed by  him is quite evident in the second epistle.  Since apostles were 
 rejoicing in the Lord they were able to exhort the believers also to rejoice.   Corinthians were very discouraged by the apostle's first letter which was very much admonishing in nature.. Now in the second letter, Paul confronted them with the comfort of God.  Apostle  was earnestly exhorting  the people who  were distorted, distracted  and confused by the false teachings which were prevalent.   With brotherly affection, Paul is addressing  them to be adjusted, restored and perfected and enjoy the peace and love of the everlasting Father, as well as among brethren. 
               The Corinthians were lacking love and peace because they were distracted by the heresies.  Hence  Apostle wished that  God of peace and love would be with them for adjusting and perfecting in their church life.
              The Father , Son  and the Holy Spirit  are the hypostases – the supporting substances that compose the one  Godhead.   The love of God is the source, since God is the origin; the Grace of the Lord is course of the love of God – since Lord Jesus is the expression of God, and the fellowship of the holy spirit is the impartation of the grace of the Lord with the love of God. In order for us to experience and enjoy the Triune God and their virtues, the Holy Spirit acts as a transmission of the Lord Jesus with God the Father.  
              Such a divine attribute of three virtues; love, grace and fellowship of a Triune God , was necessary for the Corinthian believers to reach their perfection ,  restoration and adjustment in their Christian life. Hence Paul used these divine and precious things to give peace and comfort to the people as a concluding blessing in his second letter.

  Lord we pray that the comforting peace, love and joy  from the Triune God protect our mind and hearts from all distractions of the prince of the world. Amen.

Thought for the Day
The divine revelation of the Trinity of the God head  from Genesis through revelation is not only for theological study, but for understanding how God in His mysterious and marvelous  way, dispenses himself into his chosen people and that we may participate, enjoy, experience joy and hope, now and through eternity.

Dr. John K. Thomas  Tabor MTC  NY

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