Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Call and Commission to be Christ’s Disciples

  Bible portion:  Acts 9:10–17

    But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.” (Acts 9:15)

Acts 9 begins with the conversion of Saul and continues with Ananias being appointed by God to help restore Saul’s sight. Ananias was told specifically by God in a vision that he must minister to Saul of Tarsus, to which Ananias raised an objection based on Saul’s reputation of doing evil to the saints. In v.15-16, the reply of the Lord to Ananias is stated explicitly – that Saul was to bear the Lord’s name before many people and that he would have to suffer for the Lord’s sake.
Saul is described as a “chosen instrument”, where the word “chosen” refers to God’s sovereign choosing and direction. By all human logic and sense, Saul is the least desirable and the least logical choice for such a task. His reputation precedes him: he was foremost in pride, position, and power. He possessed misguided zeal and had blood on his hands. Yet in being chosen by God, Saul is given something which he fully does not deserve at all, and that is the grace of God. Saul is chosen to serve the Lord and is called to endure, not for the sake of self-pride but for the glory of the Lord and the blessings of others.
We are all chosen vessels by the Lord, called and commissioned to be Christ’s disciples. We are called to embrace the simple, narrow road of righteous living, holiness, and lifelong servanthood. The Lord grants to each of us His mercies and grace to persevere and persist in faith. Let us remember that all that He wills and gives is provided to us as undeserving vessels, who are graciously and mercifully chosen. What are we truly without the Lord? May we live for His name’s sake, now and always.
Lord, help me to be of use to You as Your chosen instrument. Help me to respond faithfully to Your calling, knowing that it is given by Your grace and mercies. Cleanse me and use me, O Lord, for Your purposes. Help me to be thankful each day for this blessed privilege that I do not deserve. Give me strength to live for Your glory. Amen.

Thought for the Day
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit.” (St. John 15:16a)
Rev. Christopher Phil Daniel
Diocesan Program Manager &
Vicar of Jerusalem MTC, Connecticut

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