Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


The Love of God
Bible Portion: Luke 15: 11-32

"...while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." (Luke 15:20)


Scripture uses the word ‘lost’ to describe our spiritual condition. The parable in Luke 15: 11-32 is usually called ‘The Prodigal Son.’ However, we see that in this parable both the sons have become spiritually lost. The younger son lost in prodigal living, whereas the older son was lost in his own home, in his own self – righteousness. In both cases, we see the father’s grace towards both his lost sons. Jesus uses this parable to describe the love of God, our heavenly Father. The Pharisees and Scribes complained that Jesus was always with sinners. Their perception of God was wrong. So, Jesus taught that God valued the lost also and told them what God really was like. The actions of both sons are a canvas upon which Jesus painted the picture of the God’s heart.

Jesus points out five aspects of God’s love through this parable. (1) A Father who loves us in spite of our sins. God is love (v 20). (2) A Father who receives us the way we are (v 20). (3)A Father who will not allow us to remain as we are (v 22). (4) A Father who gives us far more than expected or deserved (v 22 – 23). (5) A Father with whom we can experience joyous fellowship (v 24). Even though the son has done wrong, he was disrespectful, he has failed, he has spent his inheritance, and has ignored his father’s love, but the father’s attitude towards him did not change.  The father’s love for him remains the same. We see the father waiting for his son’s return.  "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him (v 20). To see him afar means he has been waiting. His heart wasn’t at home, but with his lost son. In contrast, the elder brother doesn’t even know his brother has come home. He has to ask one of the servants. The father ran to him and embraced him though the son came back dirty and smelly, having spent time with the pigs.

Two different hearts are mentioned here – the father’s heart is one of love. The elder brother is one filled with envy and anger. The father’s heart has not changed – before he left home and now that he has returned – he is still the loving father. The son’s behavior did not change him; time did not change him. God loves us in the same way. God loves us not because we have been doing many    good works. It is because He is a loving Father. We are precious in His eyes. The value he has for us has nothing to do with what we do. The Bible tells us we are sinners, and He longs for us to return. He hopes that we would realize our mistakes soon, repent and return.
God of compassion, save us from the temptations that lead us away from you and draw us back to you by the constancy of your love so that we may take our place in your household. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Thought for the Day
God’s love for us does not depend on our faithfulness. It is unconditional. So repent, return   and rejoice.

Mrs. Latha Mary Ninan
Epiphany Mar Thoma Church New York

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