Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Discipleship: The Call to Bear the Cross

  Bible portion:  Isaiah 8:11-18

 “He will be a holy place; for both Israel and Judah he will be a stone that causes people to stumbleand a rock that makes them fall.  And for the people of Jerusalem, he will be a trap and a snare” Isa.8:14
It is easy to become trapped in our anxious thoughts, but this is not what our God wants for us. Isaiah 8:11-18 describes how the people of Israel must let go of their fears of the unknowns around them and instead turn their gaze to the Lord and to only fear Him. This does not mean being afraid of Him, but humbly looking to Him with honor because we know He is the Sovereign Lord of all. Because of this, we rest in knowing “He will be a sanctuary” (v14). But, for those who don’t know Him, “He will be a trap and a snare”. This reality should pierce our hearts. As Christians, it is our responsibility to bear the cross and let God use us so that more people can come to know Him as Father, Savior and Friend, bringing them to the sanctuary we find in Him.
Lord, we thank you for being our sovereign God who provides us with protection, comfort, and love. I pray that you continue to place a burden on our hearts for those who don’t know you and that you equip us with your strength and wisdom to bring others to you. Amen.
Thought for the Day
Today, remember that as Christ’s disciples, we are to let go of our wordly fears and look to the secure home we find in God. As we do this, we must invite others who don’t know Him into a relationship with Him and to know this joy for themselves
Angelica Varughese
St. Stephen’s Mar Thoma Church, NJ

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