Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Glorious Appearance of Christ and the Vigilant Disciples

Bible portion: Mal 3:13=18,4:1-2
“They will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him.” (Malachi 3:17b)

In today's world, many claim we don't need religion, church, or God, only to be good people. Many youths in our church wrestle with this idea, questioning the necessity of church and God if being good is enough. The Israelites in Malachi posed similar questions, noting that the wicked prosper while the faithful suffer. We echo these sentiments today. However, goodness without God is meaningless. In Malachi, God records a scroll of remembrance for those who fear and honor Him, highlighting that our words and actions matter. My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is very easy to be good in this world; it is very difficult, however, to give up everything for the sake of being good. True goodness, as demonstrated by Jesus Christ, involves self-sacrifice. Jesus, blameless before God and man, humbled Himself and died on the Cross for us, exemplifying ultimate goodness. His sacrifice allows us to experience God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness. In our individualistic society, we may believe that only we matter, but Jesus died for all creation—for you, me, those we've wronged, and those who have wronged us. True goodness means serving God with our entire being, following the example of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God.
Lord Jesus, help us to remember that our thoughts, words, and actions matter. Remind us, oh Lord, that You have no body but ours – that we are your hands and feet in this world. Help us to serve you with our whole being and orient our lives to the goodness only found in You. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we pray, Amen
                                              Thought for the Day
           Be not simply good , “ be good for something.”  – Henry David Thoreau
Justin Babu, St. John’s Mar Thoma Church, New York

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