Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Co-workers in building up the Kingdom of God:

  Bible portion: Exodus 19: 3-9

This passage emphasizes the collective effort required to build up the Kingdom of God, illustrating how co-workers in faith play a crucial role in fulfilling divine purposes. God calls Moses to relay His covenant to the Israelites, setting the foundation for the people who are chosen to embody His values and laws. God's message to Moses underscores the importance of unity and collective identity. He refers to the Israelites as His "treasured possession" and "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Exodus 19:5-6). This highlights that each member of the community is integral to the divine mission. 
Just as the Israelites were called to work together in obedience to God's covenant, modern believers are invited to collaborate in building His Kingdom. This partnership is not limited to individual efforts but is a shared journey of faith, mutual support, and collective witness.
The notion of co-workers in the Kingdom of God is further enriched by the image of Moses as a mediator. He serves as a bridge between God and the people, symbolizing how leadership within the faith community facilitates God's work on earth. Leaders, whether they are pastors, mentors, or laypersons, are essential in guiding and inspiring others, fostering an environment where each person can contribute their unique gifts and talents.
Additionally, the concept of covenant in Exodus 19 emphasizes the relational aspect of working together in God's Kingdom. It is not merely about following rules but about maintaining a relationship with God and each other. This relational dynamic is crucial in any community of faith, where love, respect, and cooperation are paramount. The success of the community in fulfilling God's purposes hinges on the strength of these relationships.
In conclusion, this passage provides a profound insight into our role as co-workers in building up the Kingdom of God. It calls believers to unite under a shared covenant, leveraging their diverse roles and gifts to fulfill God's divine plan. Through collective effort, leadership, and strong relational bonds, the community of faith can effectively advance the Kingdom of God on earth.

Heavenly Father,
We thank You for calling us to be Your treasured possession, a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. Just as You spoke to Moses, remind us of our collective mission to build Your Kingdom together. Grant us unity and the strength to support one another, leveraging our unique gifts and talents in service to Your divine plan.
Bless our leaders, mentors, and each member of our faith community. Help us to foster love, respect, and cooperation in all our relationships, knowing that our success in fulfilling Your purposes depends on the strength of these bonds. Guide us, Lord, in our shared journey of faith. May we always work together in obedience to Your covenant, bringing glory to Your name and advancing Your Kingdom here on earth. in Jesus name we Pray . Amen.


Thought for the Day 
Let us remember that we are all chosen by God to be a part of His holy nation. Like the Israelites in Exodus 19:3-9, we are called to work together, each bringing our unique gifts and strengths to build up the Kingdom of God. Let us strive for unity, support one another, and embrace our collective mission, knowing that together, we can fulfill God's divine purposes.

George Abraham
Long Island MarThoma Church, Merrick NY

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