Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Bible portion: II Chronicles  15: 15-18

Verse   15 – And Judah  rejoiced at the oath: for they had sworn with all their heart, and sought Him with their whole desire; and he was fond of them: and the Lord gave them rest round about.


     2nd Book of Chronicles focuses on the history of Jerusalem – specifically about the temple and the Kings.  The temple needed restoration. But people became concerned about their own properties than the temple. Full tithe was not brought in, priests began to leave Jerusalem. Leaders and prophets  encouraged  people to rebuild and restore the temple, still the congregation failed to come together as one.   Now we read the spirit of the Lord came on Azariah  a prophet  who  was asked to meet King Asa who reigned Jerusalem 41 years from 910-869 B.C.  Unlike his predecessors, as soon as he began to reign, he listened to God's warning that if Judah and Benjamin  tribes seek the Lord, He will be found, but if they forsake them, God will forsake them too.
       It was true that for a long time Israel  was without God, or without a priest to teach the law.  There was a total unrest in the land, because God was not in their favor. Azariah reminded that  the people had to be strong and not  to give up their faith in God.  He continued to say that their sincere effort to build the temple and worship Him will always be rewarded.   King Asa took courage. He struck down places of idolatry from the whole land of Judah and Benjamin, even from the towns he captured in the hills of Ephraim.
This is precisely what we face in our communities ,families and churches – through our desires and habits.  We often go after the idols, especially when become disinterested and bored with church.  No none can serve two masters. What are our idols – money, power, jobs, social status, family, social acceptance. Word of God reminds us all  that it is high time to turn back to the Lord, His kingdom ,His word, and His church, and the mission He entrusted to us.
     King  Asa repaired the temple, altar of the Lord that was in the front of the portico of the Lord's temple.  People started worshipping God, pass over festival was resumed and tithes were brought  to the temple. A recommitment on the part of the King Asa and the people,  leaders, and the priests took place.  To sum up, it is important  that we seek the Lord wholeheartedly with a great desire to find Him. When we  find Him, God will give us rest and  will bless us.
Lord as coworkers in the building of your kingdom we pray for strength and wisdom to walk in your truth and love. We pray that our constant communion and walk with you will help us not fall for false teachers. In Jesus name we pray, Amen
Thought for the Day 

  We, as a professing Christian community, should have a strong desire to seek God wholeheartedly, so that He will turn towards us, bless , enrich and sustain us, to be useful vessels  for His glory.
Dr.John K.Thomas  Tabor MTC NY

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