Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Bible portion: Roman 12: 3-8
Verse: 5 So we who are many are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.
  Every believer recieves the exact gift and resources, he needs to fulfill the role in the body of Christ.  As  we use these gifts to carry out our unique roles, God gives us everything  we need in order to use those gifts efficiently.   Paul reminds everyone who is a recipient of God's gifts, to think of ourselves properly, and keep in mind the mercies and grace of God.  He also admonishes believers that in order to have a proper church life, high esteem must be torn down so as to be sober minded.
We should esteem ourselves only according to the God's element that  is transfused into us.
                We are one body in Christ having an organic union with him Just as  each body part has distinct function, every believer has  a distinct role. Just as a body part cannot exist alone, believer can't live the life of faith in isolation. It is in the midst of the community that  we use our gifts and grow to be like  Jesus.
                Gifts are received according to the grace given to us,  and are a result of our experience of the grace in Christ. When this grace comes into us, it brings certain spiritual skills and abilities. It is also accompanied by spiritual growth, and it may develop into better function in the body of Christ to serve God. God's gifts are varied according to the grace that is given to an  individual. It may be prophetic, and person may speak for God under His direction. One who is  given the gift of teaching, may instruct others,  and one exhorts does so according to the direction and revelation of  God.   Especially so with deacons, Pastors who leads, guides and partake in Holy sacraments with all diligence and care.  Lastly, one who is entrusted with mercy in giving, must do so with compassion and cheerfulness , and according to the needs of the church. In this matter Paul's exhortation is important, that people should show mercy not out of natural generosity, but out of a transformation of soul in Christ. 
                 In any case, let all the recipients of the gifts and talents be faithful to what is entrusted to him or her.  One who is entrusted  with more is accountable more to God.
  Thank you God for the varied gifts and talents entrusted to us, help us to be a cheerful and faithful  doer  to accomplish your will  with the grace of  our Lord  and savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thought for the Day 

The body (of Christ)  is comprised of individual parts of a living, functioning , and coordinated whole being.  Although  these parts have different functions, they are not  in its own. Each member is organically joined to others, and each needs function of all other members.
Dr.John K.Thomas  Tabor MTC NY

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