Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Model for generations

Bible portion: Titus 2:1-5


Key Verse: “You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine” Titus 2:1



In Titus 2:1-5 apostle Paul asks Titus to urge the elders to teach younger generation how the art of life should be. It is not merely about upholding traditional roles or maintaining the status quo. Instead, it calls for transformation and dignity for all people. These instruction to Titus focuses on the need for sound teaching, that promote the full flourishing and freedom of every individual, within the Christian community. This is not a set of restrictive rules, but a guide toward mutual respect, equity, and wholeness. Older men, are to model leadership that liberates others, rooted in love, faith, and endurance. This is leadership not based on domination, but on self-giving service, reflecting the way of Christ. Paul elevates the role of older women as teachers of what is good. They are recognized as central to the moral and spiritual formation of the community. The instruction for older women to guide younger women is a call to build an intergenerational movement that nurtures freedom and responsibility. We are called to encourage ourselves to embrace dignity and worth, rejecting systems of oppression, including those that might devalue us based on gender, class, or role in society. The mention of submission to husbands should not be viewed as a call to subjugation but rather to mutual respect and partnership. It is about transforming relationships where power is shared, and love is the guiding force, not coercion or dominance.

Paul declared that, Timothy's faith stemmed from the influence of his mother Eunice and his grandmother Lovis. We are encouraged to explore how people of different generations can inspire other generations in upholding values. Paul’s guidance to Titus for the older believers in Crete remains relevant for us today. If we embrace this calling, we can echo the words of Psalm 92:14: "They still bear fruit in old age." May God bless us to live out this truth.



Dear God, help us to understand your word through the lens of freedom and mutual care. Teach us to reject systems of oppression, whether in our communities or homes, and to live out a sound doctrine that reflects your love and justice for all people.

Thought for the Day 

Just as the fire in charcoal becomes stronger through proximity and connection, so too do we grow stronger when we uplift, encourage, and inspire one another.

Roy Varughese
Alahsa Mar Thoma Congregation. KSA

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