Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Challenging Stigma: Changing perceptions in Society 

Bible Reading: James 2:1-7

Key verse: James 2:1 My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory


Mahatma Gandhi, initially drawn to Christianity as a solution to the caste system, was upset when asked to “worship with his own kind” and denied a seat in a church which then led him to remain a Hindu. Gandhi’s experience makes me wonder, have we as Christians made ourselves an “elite” group? Have we contributed to creating an environment that values some people more than others? Partiality is the product of our pride and ignorance. Both are ways we, as humans, assign value to others, a job that belongs only to God.
     In James 2:1-7, James clearly admonishes us from showing any forms of partiality and encourages us to change our perceptions of those around us. It is a challenge for each of us to look not into the outward appearance but at the heart of the person. God created us and came down to be with all of us. Jesus’ humility teaches us to value others more than ourselves and instead of comparing ourselves to others; we should strive after the perfect standard set by Christ himself. 
To be like Him we need to know who He is, so let us spend time knowing and applying the word of God. We humans are fickle, so not being partial seems like a daunting task. Let us ask and trust the Holy Spirit to empower us to increase our humility and allow us to align our actions to our values. Let us use our time to encourage, minister and serve everyone.  Let our love be enough to look past the differences and encourage us not to live as a separated community but be God’s people who attract others to pursue God’s love. 


Loving God you are so good! We thank you for dying on the cross for all of us and teaching us to be just and fair. We pray that you purify our hearts and make it more like yours. Help us to be more open, more generous, and more humble. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. We ask this in the name of our loving savior Jesus Christ. Amen


1 Samuel 16:7 “... For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Mrs. Reena Ninan,
St. Thomas MTC, Yonkers, NY


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