Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


The Power of Love and Service Toward the Differently Abled

Bible Reading: St. Matt 25:37-40

Key verse: v. 40b ‘… whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


In the series of His Parables in the gospel of Matthew, Jesus encompasses His message about the Kingdom of God from different angles. The ruler on the throne- the Son of Man- declared that the sheep on His right side receive His inheritance as they identified the real identity of the Lord while they lived on earth. 
Every day in our lives, we see individuals who live among us beyond the spectrum of so-called normal intelligence or physical abilities. What is our attitude and approach towards them? Are we able to see a dignity inside them too? 
Through this Scripture passage, Jesus wants us to realize that if we open our eyes enough, we would be able to see those who need more inclusion and space amongst us- being able to embrace and serve ‘the least of these’. As we serve others- especially those who we overlook- we in turn serve Christ himself. 
Mother Teresa always worked in the streets of Calcutta with that dedication- she saw the face of Jesus in each person she met. The love of God we have in us should break all barriers and reach those who need our care more- at least by considering them as fellow human beings and creations of God. 
Therefore, as Jesus came to show kindness and mercy to the marginalized, let us also strive to serve God through the service of mankind- tall, short; white, dark; blind, lame; autistic or hyperactive. We need to bring more love in this world.


 Lord Jesus, grant us the heart to care for others, to serve those in need and to show compassion to all of your children. Amen. 


‘There is no greater disability in a society than the inability to see a person as more.’ – Robert M Hensel

Remya Rachel Thomas
 Chicago Mar Thoma Church, Illinois

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