Word for the day by Christian Education Forum



Bible Reading:  1 Thess: 2 :1-12

Key verse: Verse:  12: That ye would walk  worthy of God, who hath called you unto his Kingdom and glory.


    Paul's goal for the thessalonian Christians was that they would walk in a manner
worthy of God. This the purpose of life for all believers.  The goals were so important that Paul and his companions exhorted, encouraged and charged them to walk in purity, love,  boldness, and   to walk worthy of God.
BOLDNESS :  Paul reminded them as how  he and Silas were mistreated, attacked, and beaten by the crowd , even to extent of throwing them in prison.  Even in that shame, they had the boldness to preach the gospel. They walked  in a manner  to have boldness in the face of opposition.  Early Christians lke the thessalonians had experienced difficulties and trials in the face of preaching the gospel.  Paul in his letter  is  encouraging the present day Christians also to have the same perspective.
PURITY:  The point Paul made here is that  to walk worthy of God means, having pure heart and pure motives.  The concept of purity is important for anyone who work for the Lord in His vineyard.  Pauls said that he did not speak from error, impurity or deception. He did not come with the words of flattery or pretext for greed. He did not even demand anything from them for their well being.
LOVE:  Being a Christian is about having relationships with each other  and genuinely
caring for each other in Christ's love. The nurture and care Paul gave them was one that was for an infant, and was gentle and compassionate. He did not only shared the gospel with them but also shared his life with them.  We live in a time where we refuse to open up  to each other, want to keep aloof from others.  We put our walls  up and do not let people let in. That is not  walking worthy of God.  PAUL SHOWED WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A  TRUE CHRISITAN. 
We cannot be worthy of the love, mercy and grace of God as displayed in Jesus.  We are exhorted to live a life i that shows who you are in Christ. Live your life in a way that reflect   what you have been called for continuing  our Lord's  ministry.


  Lord our savior, enable us to be true Christians, walk worthy of God, showing love, purity, mercy ,compassion , genuineness in our approach to others who need our help  .Enrich our ministry to spread the gospel to  unheard places. Amen.


 Will we be tempted to deny Christ, when we meet strong resistance?  Will we be able to rejoice when we are forced to share Christ's sufferings.
Are  we willing to preach the gospel  with an eternal perspective of sharing for the cause of Christ?

Dr. John K. Thomas  Tabor MTC   New York

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