Word for the day by Christian Education Forum



Bible Reading: 2 Tim 2:1-13 

Key verse: Verse: 13: If we are faithless, he remains faithful for he cannot deny himself.


    How many of us consider ourselves as a strong person in life?  What does it mean to be strong?  One who is strong in life is someone who can overcome adversity, challenges and hardship; and he does not avoid difficulty but  goes through it to the end. This is what Paul is asking Timothy to become”  be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”   Paul was very much concerned about the future of the church, and is asking  Timothy to be strong  in the presence of the witnesses, to carry on the ministry. Paul is asking him also to find suitable people  without reproach to teach and  to disciple them  to continue the Lord's work along with Timothy. 
     Paul is then  using three metaphors to teach Timothy  as to how he should train himself to be strong in his continued ministry, while joining to suffer and resist evil practices of the church.  He used  the metaphor of a soldier who is in a war against the darkness of this world. He cannot end up in sidetracking but needs to be loyal  and faithful  to the  master/officer to earn victory.   He also used the metaphors of an athlete and a farmer.  An athlete cannot earn a crown of victory unless he follows the rules and end the finish line  at his best.  Likewise the farmer has to toil the earth , do a repetitive and hard work to receive  a crop.  Apostle Paul is telling Timothy to consider all what he taught them, and Lord will give wisdom and insight and will teach him the truth.  We are at times, turned out be blind to the truth unless open our eyes to the scriptures, study the Bible , His promises and Lord of the wisdom will give us insight. 
       Paul continues his advises to His son Timothy, to endure every hardship for the furtherence of His  Kingdom and to bring about salvation that leads to eternal glory to all who yet to believe in Christ Jesus. In that effect, Paul reiterate the importance of preaching the true gospel which is  about the deity and human nature of Jesus Christ , which means Christ's resuurection proclaims His deity, and His decent from David shows His humanity.  V11-13 is a quote from an early Christian hymn. It gives us assurance that  when Jesus died on the cross, we also died with Him through salvation and will live with Him eternally. And when we faithfully endure suffering and trials, that will result in rewards when Christ returns. Jesus will always remain faithful even when we disown him,  because he keeps His promise.


 Lord help us to be faithful and endure suffering like a soldier in your vineyard strengthened by the grace  that is in Christ Jesus .Amen


 It is God's grace that will either help to test, and grow your faith or to bring His grace to someone else through you.

Dr John K. Thomas  Tabor MTC NY

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